v 1.4

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Louis gags when Harry hits the back of his throat, and he looks up at the alpha to see him already watching. Harry's face is flushed, a hand is in his hair, and he has a lustful look as he bites his lip. His pants are pooled at his ankles, and his shirt is tossed somewhere onto the floor. Louis, too, has his pants undone. He couldn't help how horny he got from the alpha's pheromones or look. So, he has one of his hand wrapped around his dick and the other hand is three fingers deep in his ass as he tries to reach his prostate. He lets Harry fuck his mouth, mindful of his teeth, and moans when the santa worker runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm gonna cum." The alpha warns, and Louis sucks harder. "No, not in your mouth! Get off!"

The omega refuses, and deep throats him. He gags and grunts, but Harry uses his strength to yank him off— just in time to cum all over his face. Wide eyes stare at Louis in shock before the discarded shirt is being used to clean his face off.

"I told you to get off! I am so sorry!" Harry frets as he gently wipes the omega's face clean. Louis lets the alpha do as he pleases, having done many facials over the years, and looks at the ipad next to Harry.

"Is it fulfilled?" He asks, and he can tell Harry's forgotten about why they're here. The alpha taps the screen a few times, and there's a brief stiffness in his body— perhaps anticipation— before his shoulder's sag and he shakes his head. Louis sighs, and uses Harry's thighs to help him stand.

"I don't know how to finish the wish. Like I said, it's never been wished for. Plus, Liam said it's really ambiguous— why're your clothes off?" He looks Louis up and down as the omega fills the room with his pheromones, and the alpha's eyes flash red.

"Mm." Louis nudges him to lay down, mentally noting how quick the alpha is getting hard again, and climbs onto his lap. "So, you really are an alpha. I was starting to think I missed something."

He rubs his ass, already soaked and open, against Harry's cock as he leans down to kiss him. Large hands grab his thighs, and Louis moans when the alpha gropes them. Harry's dick catches on his rim, but springs away when Louis tries to push it in. Frustrated, the omega growls and reaches back to guide it.

"Your junior sure has a mind of its own." He mumbles as he sits up for a better reach, and his eyes roll back as he sits on the alpha's dick. When he bottoms out, he feels one of Harry's hands travel to his chest and two fingers teasingly pinch his nipple. Louis' hips jerk forward, and he moans as he closes his eyes. He grinds his ass down, and leans back down to kiss the alpha.

"You're sensitive, huh?" Harry notes, and licks his jugular. The omega bares his neck as submission, noting the gradual dominance seeping into the alpha's personality as they go further, and he bites his lip at the thought of Harry fucking him senseless. With the image in mind, he initiates the position switch— from cowgirl to missionary. With the alpha on top, Louis gets a better look at him. He's handsome, sexy, and downright his type.

The omega keeps his legs wide, letting Harry fold him in half as his knees hook onto the alpha's shoulders, and he kisses him. "Fuck me, Santa."

Harry doesn't wait another second. He buries his nose in Louis' neck to scent him, and starts to drill the omega into the bed. The frame shakes and rocks with every thrust, creaking every time, and Louis lets his jaw drop as he moans nonstop. His hands find their way to Harry's back, clawing at the skin as he arches his back and curls his toes. It doesn't take long for the alpha to find Louis' prostate, and damn near abuse it with every move. Harry sucks, nips, licks, and kisses any patch of skin he can reach on Louis— loving the omega's cinnamon, and vanilla smell. He just smells like holiday cheer, and cold morning warmth.

"Yes! Yes!" Louis shouts, and feels the alpha nose his cheek. He looks at Harry to see the alpha nearly as gone as him.

"Harry." The alpha mumbles. "My name is Harry. Say it."

The omega whines high in his throat when Harry sits up, and pins Louis' thighs to his chest. He hovers above the omega, and maintains his rhythm. The sound of skin slapping skin accompanies Louis' cries of pleasure. Harry stares at where he's fucking the omega, not noticing Louis watching the hot scene that is the alpha: sweaty, hair in his face, muscles flexing, jaw clenched, and eyes as fierce as a wolf's. The omega feels his legs shake, and his dick twitches before cumming all over his stomach. Harry pulls out, and cums on him too.

He lets Louis' thighs go, and runs a hand through his hair as they both try to catch their breath. After a few minutes, the ipad pings and Harry glances at it.

Wish: fulfilled.

"The wish says—" Louis takes the device and chucks far from the bed. Harry doesn't have the energy to scold him about it. "Oh."

"That shit might say 'job well done,' but I'm not satisfied." Louis lifts his leg back onto the alpha's shoulder, and Harry grabs his ankle before kissing the skin. "Don't you even dare try getting away from me, Santa. I've got wishes galore to redeem."

Harry looks at him, and sees a confident smile on the omega's face. "How many?"

"Well, I'm 28. This makes it 27," Louis answers as Harry draws closer to him, "and one of those is going to be you becoming my alpha."

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