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Louis stares out the window of his bedroom as he hears the front door close. It's been exactly five days since Louis has seen the triplets, and exactly five days since he's been nawing on his nails waiting for them to come back. Not one call, or text has been sent to him. His phone is face down on the night stand, an effort to keep him from staring at the screen as he waits for something that doesn't seem is going to happen, and the omega now has his heat to worry about.

While Liam isn't a factor, the alpha having just left since smelling his pheromones, the omega also has no one call. He could open his window, and let whatever wandering alpha there is fuck him senseless, but that runs the risk of forced mating. Plus, he isn't primal and a piece of meat to be hung out the window. He lets the fan blow cool air on his nearly naked body, and shifts uncomfortably as he soaks through his underwear. He whines high in his throat, thinking of the only alphas who could really help him.

On the second day, Louis' mind is hazy. He's laying on the bed with a nice sized dildo in his ass. He came more than five times, but he knows it'd be double if any one of the triplets were here. He stares at the wall as he pants, and wipes the sweat from his face. His phone buzzes, and he looks at the now face-up device only to see it's not from the people he was hoping for. He tosses his phone across the room, and screams when he feels another wave hit him.

On the fourth day, Louis is completely gone. He's on the floor sobbing as he tries to satisfy the heat in his stomach, and ache between his legs. The room is coated in his smell, and the bed is completely soaked through. The wood beneath his skin, cool and soothing to his burning skin, has wet streaks and spots. He wipes the tears from his eyes, and crawls to his abandoned phone. He looks through his contacts, and wipes his eyes as he tries to figure out which alpha to call.

He tries Edward first, but he's sent straight to voice mail. He whines, and decides to call Harry only to have the middle brother's phone send him to voice mail as well. He clenches his jaw, and contemplates breaking his phone until he remembers how much it costs. After a few minutes of crying, he calls Marcel. It takes four rings, but he watches the screen as he picks up the facetime. Louis wipes his eyes, and starts whining.

"Alpha," he starts sobbing, "come here. Please. Please, I need you, I can't—"

"Uhm." Louis stops, and blinks his eyes open to see a woman with black hair watching him with concern. "Who are you?"

The lust that consumed Louis all week is now replaced with anger, and jealousy. "Who are you?"

"Gemma, that's who." She frowns. "Why're you calling? Who are you? Marce is extremely busy so I suggest you call back later, maybe never actually."

"Excuse me?" Louis seethes.

"He's getting married in a few months, Christmas actually, so I suggest you stop calling my brothers. I'm blocking you." Before the omega can respond, she hangs up on him.

When the house is aired out, and Louis is sure his heat is over, Liam returns home with the smell of another omega on him. Louis, suffering from an emotional pain he's never known, is agitated by the alpha's happiness and keeps his distance as a result. He's miserable, confused, and downright jealous. As he sits in the kitchen alone, listening to Liam prepare their teas, he comes to a drastic conclusion.

"What're we doing?" He mumbles, and Liam looks at him. "I mean, us. What're we doing?"

"Making tea...?" The alpha mumbles back.

"No." He shakes his head. "You're happy, and in love with someone who isn't me. You come home smelling like them, you spend weeks and weekends with them, and I can bet a pretty penny they probably spend time with you during mating time."

Liam doesn't answer right away, but Louis doesn't stop talking. "You weren't the only one, though. I was enjoying myself, too."


"I know you have the divorce drafted, and stored somewhere." The omega wipes the single tear that falls. "Let's not tell dad yet."

Mid-November is when Louis decides to go to a doctor. After a few weeks of exhaustion, nausea, and some food sensitivity, he finds himself having his first ever pregnancy scare. With the only choice of fathers being the three men who were transferred to corporate so he wouldn't have to see them anymore, the omega is scared to be going through this alone.

"Louis Tomlinson?" A nurse calls the name on the clipboard, and Louis stands to greet her. He follows her to the back where the exam room is, and lays on the table as he answers some of the nurses questions. When the doctor comes in, he takes a deep breath and lifts his shirt so she can smear the cold gel across his stomach.

"Well, Mr. Tomlinson." She mumbles. "You've got three pups, congratulations. Do you want to discuss your options?"

Louis stares at the screen, and sighs. "Yeah, let's discuss my options."

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