v 1.3

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"Wait!" Louis rolls his eyes and curses as he tries to wave down a taxi while the strange alpha shouts for him. "Wait! I can prove it!"

"Look," Louis turns to face him and Harry almost bumps into him, "you've been following me for a block. What do you want?"

Harry holds the ipad out. "I need your wish! I have to fulfill it or else I can't relax."

Completely fed up, Louis snatches the touchscreen pen. He quickly scribbles the most ridiculous idea he can think of down, and gives it back to Harry. The alpha, expecting something materialistic that he can easily access at the office, drops his jaw at the wish written.

Wish: Sex with Santa.

"I-I don't think you get it." Harry stammers. "This isn't a joke!"

"If what you said is true, I'll be having sex with a man in a red costume in no time." Louis turns to wave a taxi down, but shouts when a firm arm wraps around him. He flails as he's lifted into the air, and carried away from the curb. "Let me go!"

"I didn't think I had to do this." Harry sighs, and in the blink of an eye Louis finds himself in the sky. Rather than flailing about to get down, he clings to the man and clenches his eyes shut. This is where Harry catches a whiff of Louis' smell— an omega.

"What're you doing!?" Louis shrieks.

"Don't worry, I've got you." His comforting tone makes Louis relax. That, and his pheromones— damn, he smells divine. "Look how high up we are."

Louis peeks through one eye, and gasps at the sight. It's beautiful as the city's buildings create a classic urban horizon with the omega seeing miles and miles away. However, it's also absolutely freezing. "Okay, I believe you."

"Really!?" The alpha smiles.

"Yes." Louis shivers. "Now, put me down. Safely."

Once on the ground, the omega is still too stunned to speak. After a few minutes, he looks up at Harry who casually holds up the ipad with 'sex with santa' written as the wish. The omega blushes a deep shade of red, and covers his mouth as he looks away.

"I could've asked for a billion dollars." He whispers as he curses his own stupidity. With a deep breath, he looks back at Harry. "You aren't going to leave me alone, are you?"

"No." The alpha shakes his head.

"Your job isn't done until that's done?" Louis asks again.

"Correct." Harry nods.

The omega sags his shoulders, and grumbles. "Are you, like— technically a santa?"

"I am, yes."

"So, I can fuck you? Not the fat guy?"

"Hey," Harry pouts, "it's his genetics."

"Answer my question."

"Uhm, well." Harry scratches his head. "I'm not sure. Kids don't usually... wish for sex."

"Are you calling me a pervert?" Louis crosses his arms.

"I'm calling you a pervert." The alpha nods. "I should call me boss. He'll have an idea about what to do."

"Okay," Louis shivers and he bundles himself up, "do you live close by?"

"Yeah," Harry looks up from his phone, "why?"

The wind blows through them, and Louis' teeth chatter. "It's cold."

When they reach Harry's apartment, the alpha lets Louis in first as he discusses the wish with Liam. The omega takes Harry's distraction as an early opportunity to look around the living area. It's small, cozy, and heavily decorated in Christmas decor. It smells like pumpkin spice, and has a Christmas tree tucked into the corner by the balcony door with a pretty skirt underneath it. It's truly something he expected from a Santa worker, and he wonders if Harry does this for every holiday.

"It's a pretty ambiguous wish, H." Liam answers, and Harry leans against the wall after locking his front door. He motions to the coat rack as Louis sheds his outdoor clothes, and the omega nods. "It could mean anything, from the amount of rounds to what you wear. Just fuck until it says satisfied."

"That's— I've never..." Harry walks down the hall to his room. Louis follows like a lost puppy, finding himself in the alpha's room now. Unlike the front, which is extremely put together and presentable, Harry's room is a mess with miscellaneous things scattered about. His closet is thrown open, a bright red costume glaring at him, and Louis tries to remind himself that this isn't a good trip on some jacked up weed. "How do I even...?"

"Just use your stash of condoms." Louis walks up behind him as Liam instructs Harry. "What're you, a virgin?"

"No, and you know it!" Harry whispers, and jumps when Louis gently takes his phone. The alpha looks at him, and blushes. "Oh, hi."

"That sounded like something a virgin would say." The omega teases, and hangs the phone up. He nudges Harry towards the bed until the alpha sits on the edge of it. Louis sinks to his knees, between Harry's legs, and undoes his pants. "Let's see if oral will work first."

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