v 2.1

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"Yes, yes! Ah!" Louis lifts his hips higher as the alpha behind him fucks him into the sheets. The omega grips the pillow underneath him, and looks up when a lean and tattooed body stands in front of him. He pants, and weakly lifts his head as his eyes trail up to meet red ones glaring at him. It makes Louis' dick twitch: what once were soft, green eyes are now firm, lustful, red eyes. The complete 180 sends a shiver down the omega's spine. He feels a wet, hot cock hit his cheek so he drops his jaw and lets the alpha fuck his mouth at will.

"Look at you," the third alphas slaps his ass, "taking to cocks like a pro. Wonder if Mr. Payne knows his husband is such a slut."

There's another slaps to his ass, and he gags. The third alpha stops his brother from fucking Louis' mouth, and the omega grunts when he pulls out. He feels the familiar, and good ache in his jaw as he closes his mouth but he isn't given a minute to breath as he's pulled into reverse cowgirl with the third man squishing against his front. His heart picks up pace, knowing what's coming and how good it feels, so he sinks his nails into someone's legs, and lens forward to bite skin. He's lifted up, and quickly sinks back down on two cocks. He screams, and his legs shake as the two alphas pound him. He turns back to the second alpha, and offers his mouth again to please him.

Hands are groping his entire body, mouths are marking his chest and back while being mindful of where the marks are. Louis pulls away from the dick in his face, letting the alpha give him a facial, and he screams as the two knots swell but are kept from filling him due to the condoms. Louis, himself, cums as his entire body twitches. He blinks the dots in his vision away, and weakly slaps the alpha in front of him.

"Don't talk about Liam when we're fucking." He demands, and Edward laughs like the asshole he is. Louis lifts his head, and glares at him though he's too exhausted to hold the expression. "I mean it."

"Look at the loose wife making demands." He nudges Louis off, and the omega falls onto the pillows. "Trying to have dignity when you're having an affair. Ridiculous."

"Says the dick appointment." The omega growls, and Marcel wipes the cum off of Louis' face while his older brothers remove their condoms to throw them out. Louis looks at the youngest alpha, and smiles at how gentle he is. "Your brother is a jerk."

"He doesn't mean it." Marcel mumbles, as he always does when Edward steps out of line.

"I should have him fired." Louis keeps spewing his anger. Harry lays on his other side, and kisses his shoulder.

"Trust me, Lou, you hurt him more than he hurts you." The married wolf says nothing, knowing it's true. The four have been sleeping together for two years, ever since Louis' husband— Liam— hired them as house guards, and while the omega has been able to keep his emotions and body separate, the triplets have not. Within six months, the three of them made their feelings clear to Louis only to be firmly rejected. However, with Liam having his own side-piece and no love in their marriage, Louis found himself craving their attention and company. So, the omega kept the affair a tight-lipped secret and kept the alphas by his side.

"I want tea, and a hot bath." He whispers as Edward puts his boxers back on. They look at each other, and with a huff the alpha runs a hand through his hair and leaves to fulfill the omega's request. He kisses the younger brothers as they stay in bed to rest, and he gets up to follow Edward. He wraps a robe around himself, and goes to the kitchen where he sees Edward beginning the brew. "Hey."

He leans against the counter, and Edward looks at him. "Hi."

His monotone voice forms a ball in Louis' gut, and he pouts. He saunters over to cuddle the alpha's back, and nips his shoulder. Edward reaches down, and flicks his thigh. "Don't start something you can't finish."

"I'm a big boy." The alpha looks down at him, and Louis stands on his tip toes to kiss him. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings."

"You said you hurt my feelings?" Edward scoffs, and Louis grins at his macho act. The alpha looks away when his cheeks turn red, always finding Louis' grins and smiles attractive, and grabs a tea bag to put in a mug. "It's fine."

"Promise?" Louis pouts.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go upstairs, it's cold down here." Edward dismisses him. "God forbid you get sick."

"Are you worried about me, alpha?" Louis teases, and Edward's eye twitches. With a giggle, the omega rushes away before the alpha can think to pin him over the counter and fuck him senseless. "Remember my bath!"

"Do it yourself!" Edward screams back, and Louis laughs because he can hear the smile in the alpha's voice.

When Louis gets home, he smells fresh and clean— thanks to the triplets stocking their bathroom with his hygiene products. He steps inside, and sheds his winter clothing before walking to Liam's office where the alpha's working. He looks up when he hears the omega knock on the door, and removes his glasses as Louis leans on the door frame.

"You're back." His husband smiles superficially, clearly not caring if the omega came back or not. "How was your time out?"

"Good." Louis walks into the office, and sits on the edge of the desk. Liam closes the folder he's looking at, and the omega raises an eyebrow. "You know better than to do that to me."

"Do what?" Liam shrugs as he feigns innocence, and Louis crosses his arms. With a sigh, Liam stands and wraps an arm around the omega's shoulder. "Look, you know the board doesn't like omegas getting intel about the business. It's a rule."

"What they don't know, won't hurt them." Louis removes his husband's hand, and leaves the office. Liam follows after him, and hugs him from behind when they reach his bedroom. Another sign of a shallow marriage: sleeping in separate rooms after three months together. "Liam, you know I don't like you in my space."

"Still as cruel as ever." The alpha laughs, but lets him go. "Your dad wants us to go to the Christmas party he's hosting. He said all of the big conglomerates will be there so we should rub some elbows."

"Again? We already went to the summer one." The omega sits on his bed. There's silence, which is always bad, and Louis looks at him. "It's hosted on my birthday, isn't it?"

Liam takes a deep breath. "Lou..."

"He always tries to make it about him." The omega rolls his eyes. "I'm not going."

"You have to. We have to show a good marriage, remember?" Liam shakes his head. "It's just a few hours for some bonus points. I promise we won't stay long."

Louis sucks his teeth, and looks at him slowly. "Promise?"

"I promise."

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