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"It's good to see you." Louis mumbles for the hundredth time, and he feels a dull ache in his face as he smiles. He's offered some champagne, but shakes his head while clinging to Liam's arm. Despite the missing rings on their fingers, the omega hugged the alpha's side because the greasy men surrounding them with their purse-pinching wives made him uncomfortable. In the corner, dawned in suits with ear pieces, are the triplets. Despite the warm environment, Louis can feel their cold stares and does his best to let the tall businessmen hide him.

After a few more greetings, the ex-couple take their seats at the family table and create a substantial amount of distance between each other. As the salad comes out, and Louis butters the bread since it's all he can stand, his father stands to speak. He gently clinks his glass with a fork, and the omega drowns himself with water since he can't down alcohol. The chatter quiets down, and all eyes fall on his dad.

"Good evening." He greets. "Before we eat and get to the party, I would just like to make a special announcement."

Louis raises an eyebrow as a waiter refills his glass with chilled water, and his father turns to smile at him. With his glass raised, he nods his head approvingly. "I will officially be stepping down from my position as President of Tomlinson&Co. Liam, my son's husband, will be taking my place."

He motions for Liam to stand, and the stunned alpha does his best to hide how fluster he is as he stands. The crowd claps, and smile while raising glasses to him in congratulations. Louis claps, and smiles as well.

"I have even better news." His father touches his shoulder, and Louis looks up at him from his seated post. "My son is pregnant!"

Liam's jaw drops as everyone erupts in cheers, and Louis quickly stands to hiss at his dad. The old man shakes his head, and hushes him. "I saw the picture the day I came over. I can't believe you actually listened to me."


"You won't regret this, trust me. I know you'll be a great mother." He tries to sooth the omega, thinking Louis is just shy, but the divorced wolf's eyes watch the triplets glare at him before leaving. As random, unknown hands pat his back and Liam's, Louis' anger bubbles over.

"We're divorced!" He screams, and everything stops. He stares at the table, and covers his mouth as everyone watches them. He takes a deep breath, and puts his hands on his lower abdomen. "We signed the papers weeks ago. It's been finalized for a few days."

Liam grabs his hand, a silent alliance, and the omega fights back tears. With shaky confidence, Louis faces the scrutinizing and scandalized stares of his cohorts. He finally looks at his father. "The babies aren't Liam's."

"Excuse me!?" The old man growls, but Louis is unfazed as he tosses his napkin on the table and leaves in a hurry. As his father screams for him to come back, the omega searches the space for three heads of curly hair paired with three sets of green eyes. They're no where to be found.

He gets home by taxi, and lets himself inside the dark home. After sending a text to Liam to send a few guards to the house, in case his father shows up, and asking the alpha to not come back, the omega sheds his winter wear and goes to the cold fireplace. He sets, and lights a few logs before going to get a fluffy blanket and pillow. With his laptop set up for Netflix, and quick-stir hot chocolate, the omega is set up for his quiet night.

"Well," he whispers as he wipes his tears and searches rom-coms, "happy birthday to me."

In the middle of the night, Louis wakes up to banging on the front door. With a good clue to who it is, the omega stays cuddled by the dying fire and curls deeper into a ball on the rug. He yawns, and closes his eyes to drift back to sleep but the constant banging keeps him awake.

"Louis!" His eyes snap open, and he lifts his head. "Lou!"

He sits up, and checks the time on his phone only to find multiple missed calls from unknown numbers. He purses his lips, and slowly stands to his feet. He makes his way to the door, and unlocks it. The knocking stops, but the person on the other side doesn't open it. With a sigh, the omega cracks the door open. He peeks around the thick, metal door to find three huddle figures bundled up in foax fur as the wind blisters their faces and blows sweeping snow over them. Their teeth are chattering, but they— especially Edward— look determined to see him.

He lets them inside, and locks the door as they shake the snow off and shed their soaked clothes. The omega sits them directly in front of the fire place, lights the last few logs, sets them up with personal heaters and weighted blankets, and gets them three mugs of hot chocolate— extra marshmallows for Marcel. He leans on the arm of the couch to the side of the three, and no one speaks as the triplets warm up.

Louis looks at his hands, and picks his nails as the silence starts to swallow him whole. Harry sips his drink, and looks at him. "You're pregnant."

"I am." The omega nods.

"It's ours?" Edward asks, and Louis nods. He finally looks at them, just to find them already watching him, and slowly each alpha smiles.

"What?" Louis whispers.

"Marry us, Lou." Marcel proposes. "It isn't exactly how we wanted to do this, but I-I think it's long overdue. I promise we can get you a ring, and do it properly—"

"You're getting married tomorrow." The omega crosses his arms, and frowns.

"Yeah," Edward points at him, "to you. Duh."

It takes a minute for the alpha's words to process in his head. When they do, Louis' frown turns to surprise before slowly evolving into a genuine smile.

Harry smiles back, and winks. "Merry Christmas, from all three baby daddies."

"Shut up!" Louis joins them on the floor as they laugh together in front of a vibrant fire.

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