11 || skipping class?

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Can we just skip over the boring classes and get on with lunch?? Like, c'mon, it's the best part of school. No joke. I'm glad no one has tried messing with me. My boyfriends make it clear they shouldn't be messed with.

Not going to get into that...they uh, got into a fight..which lead them, the other people in the fight, Dream, and myself into detention. How I got into detention is beyond me. I don't know how I did. Well, a few bystanders got into detention too...for filming the fight..

Well, we have detention after school on the first day of classes. What the honk is this day? I don't..I don't get it.

Well, anyways, it's lunch! Best part of school! Yes sir!

The worst part of school is math. Numbers are so confusing. How do you times numbers?? What the honk?? Numbers. I hate numbers.

My tray is pushed up and my head is on the table. I'm in the middle between Quackity and Sapnap, Dream is sitting across from us.

I'm tired.

The three of them are all talking, and I'm just almost sleeping. Wonder what detention is like at a new school. Usually when I get detention the teacher who's in charge of detention gives us math problems and we leave when we finish them. There's always 10 of them, and they're always really hard. The first person done gets done in an hour and a half. Thing is, I'm always the last and I get done in almost five hours. FIVE HOURS OF STUPID MATH PROBLEMS! And the teacher stays there till no one's left. This is why I hate math.

A tap to my shoulder. Tap. I ignore it. Another tap to my shoulder. Tap, tap. I look over at the taper. "What?"

"Wanna go back to the dorm?" Sapnap asks. I knew it'd be Sap tapping me.

Hm, do I? "What about the rest of classes?"

"We can skip those." Sapnap shrugs. "Then we can find the room for detention when it comes to the last class."

"Wouldn't we get into trouble for skipping though?" I ask, sitting up now. I'm still tired, just..more interested in the conversation.

Sapnap chuckles. "We're already in detention for a fight. Why not live a little?"

I think about this for a second. Yeah, why not? "Fine. Would you let me sleep then?"

Sapnap nods excitedly. "Yeah, yeah I will! Q!! Karl said yes!"

"Let's gooooo Karlos!" Quackity turns to me smiling widely. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, then goes back to his conversation with Dream.

Oh, I love when Quackity calls me Karlos. Just like when Sapnap calls me kitten. I like to call Quackity ducky and Sapnap flames.

I lay my head back on the table, letting out a huff. Let's see if I can sleep. But I'm also bored. I'm not hungry, which I barely ate anything. And I'm very tired. Maybe I shouldn't wake up at five in the morning when classes start at eight. I could get more sleep in. Yawn.

Five seconds. That's all it takes for more tapping. I look up at the same person as before. "Yes?" They know how I am when I'm disturbed of sleep.

"Lunch is over, kitten." Sapnap whispers in my ear. Oh, wonderful. I get woke up two times and barely any- oh. We're skipping so I can get more sleep! Right. I forgot.

"Carry me." I mumble tiredly. Sapnap chuckles, and lifts me up. Quackity is quick to set my bag on top of me. Maybe to keep my skirt from showing..stuff. It's not like I didn't wear boxers.

"You're so moody when you're tired." Sapnap complains carrying me up the stairs.

"You won't get any cuddles if you want to say stuff like that.." I mumble into his chest. "Quackity will get all the cuddles he wants from me and you'll get nothing, no matter the begging." I cling to him, though. I'm tired, okay?

I hear him gasp. "No, you wouldn't."

"Oh, Sapnap, you should know him well enough by now." I hear Quackity say. "He would. And you see, I don't mind. More Karlos cuddles for me."

I just smile, listening to them bicker up to our room. Y'know, Sapnap basically lives with us anyway. His stuff is moved in with ours and we have a guest bed. We share a bed together, so there's one for Dream mainly when he gets bored of being lonely. Fun sleepovers.

When we get to our dorm, I get tossed onto the bed. Oh. I see. I drop my bag on the floor, before I get cuddled to death by Sapnap. "What the honk!?" I yelp.

Sapnap chuckles, cuddling me closer to him. He just loves the attention, doesn't he? "You're now stuck cuddling me." He laughs.

"Quackity! Help me!" I yell. "I'm getting cuddled to death!"

Quackity laughs. He just joins the cuddle pile. He's not helping me!!! He's joining!! Honk!

I give up, and let them just cuddle me. I yawn, letting my eyes close. I'm just so tired.

I fall asleep cuddling my boyfriends. Not even the thought of skipping class on my mind.


875 words

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