9 || before class

566 17 14

It's been the rest of the week, and now it's Monday.  :(  School starts today and I'm not excited. Which means, I've also been here for a week. Last Monday I didn't know that I'd let two incredible people in and become their boyfriend! It's so exciting what life brings you!

I'm the first to wake up, so I get the bathroom first. Would it be wrong if I wore my favorite skirt and favorite hoodie at the same time?

I'll do it anyway. I grab my favorite skirt and my favorite hoodie along with a new clean pair of boxers and head into the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and into the shower. I wash myself clean and out of the shower before much hot water is used. They might want to shower and it would be mean to take the hot water for myself. Which, whoever showers next will most likely do it to the other one. I know that for sure.

I change into my boxers and skirt, then a t-shirt and my favorite oversized hoodie over top. Don't worry, my skirt is long so people can see it. 🙄

I get out of the bathroom, putting my towel I used, in hamper we have. Our dirty clothes gets washed by some mysterious people while we're out or in class or something. I'm surprised we haven't had a mix up on our clothes yet.

I open the bathroom door and walk to sit in one of the chairs we have in here. Oh, don't think I've mentioned, but we have a living room in here with a couch and TV! We can watch TV and movies! I was happy when I stumbled along and saw it!

I watch my boyfriends sleep. They're so peaceful. This is why I wake up at five in the morning so I don't have to wake them up for school yet. I'm wide awake, and I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep.

Quackity starts to stir. It looks like he's feeling around for me. Aw that's actually cute. He seems to wake up looking around. He taps Sapnap's shoulder. What is he doing? "Sapnap." He whispers.

This makes Sapnap grumble and swat his hand. "Shut up, 'm tired."

"Sapnap. Karl's gone."

And that makes Sapnap actually wake up. What????? Nothing makes him wake up! "Where is he??" Sapnap yells.

"I don't know! I woke up and he's not here!" Quackity yells back.

Are they actually serious?? Well, anyway, I get up going over to the bed. I crawl back in between them, tired again. Watching them exhausted me. I can tell they're watching me now. Yeah, I'm in my favorite hoodie and favorite skirt. I lay down on my stomach, face into my pillow.

"I took a shower, dummies." I mumble into the pillow.

They don't say anything. I assume they're stunned or something along those lines. I feel kisses on my cheeks, making me giggle. I look up at Quackity, which makes Sapnap kiss my cheek more. Then I look over at Sapnap which makes Quackity kiss my cheek more. There's no winning here!

I sink my face into my pillow and just pretend to sleep. They do make me tired. They just love gaining up on me! Why!?

I hear a small huff and it feels like Quackity is getting up. And I win. The bathroom door shuts. At least he's taking a shower, or just using the bathroom.

Arms wrap around me, moving me. I yelp, looking down at Sapnap. I'm now laying on top of Sapnap. I feel the biggest blush creep onto my face. Honk! Sapnap!

"Hi." Sapnap gives me the biggest smile.

"Hi." I breathe, more blush on my face.

Before I know it, he's tickling me! Honk! He knows..! I start laughing a lot. Honk him! Honk him!!! The door opens, and I can't even see who it is. He just keeps tickling me! Sapnap! Why!? I continue laughing, when a chuckle from a new voice is heard.

"You'll be the death of him, Sap. Even Quackity."

The tickling stops and I have time to breathe. My lungs hurt from the tickling. Honk you Sap! Fire boy!

"Nuuh!" Sapnap defends himself. Nice.

I turn to see Dream's amused face. "You will. I've been the death of Karl before. But then again, he's been the death of me more."

"Hey!" I yell, glaring at Dream. "I've been nothing but the energetic person I am! You've fully been the one to see this side the most. Unless we were at a public place that wasn't school."

"See? Death of me." Dream crosses his arms, a smirk playing on his face.

I huff laying back into the bed. Dream gets on my nerves. A lot.

"I see you still wear skirts." Dream says with a raised eyebrow.

I look down at my skirt with a sheepish smile. Yeah, when I was six I started wearing skirts sometimes, because I love the fabric and it just feels nice. I know I make skirts work on me too.

"Still?" Sapnap asks. "You got to see Karl rocking skirts? Before me and Quackity??"

"He's been wearing them since kindergarten." Dream says with a smile.

"Yeah, I make them work." I give my own smile. Sapnap just nods. I smile more to that. He agrees.


932 words

Karl rocking that skirt.  :]

Sapnap and Q just be like :0 ○●○ *_* they be looking 😉😉😃

Dream just like 😀😃🤣😐😑   🙄🖕

Hahaha L

-Starr 0:

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