19 || forgetting things

362 11 2

tw: mentions of hospital stays


"why are you here?" she asks looking down at me with a sneer.

"i don't — i dunno." i say looking around. what is this place. a—a train station?

"dear, he deserves this." he says standing behind her.

oh. i deserve this.

"you're so right, honey." she smiles turning to kiss him. they disappear when their lips meet.

"thank honk."  i sigh.

"karl?" a new voice echoing through the empty station.

"karl is that you?" a second voice behind that voice.

"quack? flames?" i whisper. i see them. I SEE THEM! i run to where they are, falling to me knees suddenly.

they are quick to kneel down and engulf me in a hug.

"dear, you have to wake up."

"mi amor, wake up for us."

i nod a tears falling down my face. just like them, they disappear too. now im left on my knees in an empty train station.

wake up wake up wake up wake up wa—

i open my eyes. a blinding, bright light blinds me. the beeps of a machine right next to me. i try to rub sleep from my eyes, but both hands were taken. i look at both sides seeing sapnap and quackity on either side of me, both sleeping and each holding one of my hands. cute.

i just lay there. i don't want to wake them up, but i kinda want my hands. first i try getting a hand out of quackity's hold. it works, thank honk. luckily quackity stays sleeping. it looks like he needs it. both of them. now here comes the tricky part: getting my hand from sapnap without waking him.

he always seems to wake up from the loss of touch. it gets a little annoying, but it's cute nonetheless. i slowly pull my hand from his grip, but the hand around mine tightens. i let out a small yelp, looking at sapnap who's now awake. his grip on my hand quickly lets go.

"karl?" he asks looking at me.

"where am i?"  i croak out quietly. i cringe at my voice. but..this doesn't look like our dorm. and there's this annoying beeping in the background. where are we?

"you're in the hospital." sapnap says quietly.  "you got poisoned on our date last night. do you remember our date?"

date? we went on a date last night? did we? did we really? i forgot about our date? i don't remember anything that happened last night. or anything that happened the day before. or last..week..?

"no, i don't remember it." i say slowly. "i don't remember anything that happened last week either. i remember a lot of things but not this past week."

"that's not good." sapnap furries an eyebrow, frowning. "do you remember george?"

"george? who's george?" i ask confused myself.

sapnap frowns. "you missed a lot then."


521   words

sorry for the late  + short chapter! i lost a tiny bit of motivation but ill try getting these out on fridays! sorry for the wait might put out three chapters this week this one another one and fridays who knows

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