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it was a small spark of hope in her chest that started an awakening

the voice that tugged gently yet insistently at her heartstrings,

you are enough

when you see an ink stain that was ne'er meant to be on your canvas, use it as an eye and draw your self portrait. splash gold glitter over your hair like fireflies, lamps in the light as large as a speck of rock and as small as hope. oh rigel, when your arm slips and you slash permanent marker over your paper, paint that with coral clouds and teal bubbles touching the sky of the ocean. when you feel lonely, create flower spirits in your imagination and make them real. when you're turning from the great sun into an electron flashing into the forests of a planet so much smaller than you, when you're falling into everything you were never meant to be, let yourself go.

 when you're turning from the great sun into an electron flashing into the forests of a planet so much smaller than you, when you're falling into everything you were never meant to be, let yourself go

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