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Third Person's POV

Rose felt uncomfortable. She don't know what she would do. If she's going to her class or just stay here in her room.

Even though Shin already told her that she will protect her, she can't stop thinking about what will happen to her.

Later on, she hears someone knock on her door. She peaked at the door and she saw a girl. And this is the first time she saw it.

"What do you need?" Rose asks. She heard a giggle from outside.

"You're rugged, Taeyong asks me to fetch you." The girl responds from the outside.

"Are you a vampire?" Rose asks her which made the girl giggle at her again.

'Is she insane?' Rose asks to her mind.

"No, just like you. I'm a human too" Rose frowned because of that.

"I thought there's no other pure-blood human here except me and Shin?" Rose confusedly asks.

"I already graduated here. But I came back for you. I volunteer. I want to look after you too, especially since there are so many vampires in your surroundings." She explained.

Rose didn't hesitate to open the door.

"Hello! I'm Luna. Choi Luna" Luna introduced herself to Rose.

"I'm Rose" Rose introduced back. Luna swiftly dragged her which made Rose startled.

"W-wait" Rose

"Gosh! You're already late in your first class." Luna said and continue to drag her. Rose just let her do that.

Maybe she should accept it. Accept that her life will be different from now on.


Rose can feel and notice the people staring at her... Or should I say, vampires?

"They won't drink my blood, right?" Rose nervously asks. Luna shook her head.

"They're not allowed to touch you. And also, they're just looking at you because you're new here. Soon, they wouldn't do that anymore" Luna explains.

"Oh. Uhm, do you know where my first class is?" Rose asks her again.

"Yes, please don't get annoyed. I am the one who is assigned to guide you in your class. It's just today. After that, I just let you do everything. Unless Taeyong orders me again to look after you" Luna said.

"Uhm, why would Taeyong do that?" Rose asks Luna again. She's kinda confused about it. Since she always heard Taeyong's name.

"It's Taeyong's responsibility to take care of all of the new students here in the university. Just get used to it, especially you're a human. He wants to maintain the peace and well-being of the people against to his kind" Luna

"Oh... Is he the president of the university?" Luna nods.

"Yes! I will introduce you to the student council layer. For now, just attend to your class because you're already late" after Luna said that. She immediately push Rose into her classroom.

Rose felt anxious when she found out that every student inside the room is looking at her.

However, she tried to be brave and took a sit in the back.

She needs to adjust to this new stage of her life.


Rose's POV

The class ended without something bad happening to me. Thank god.

My classmates didn't pay attention to me.

Even the teachers didn't pay much attention to me either. They didn't even let me introduce myself to them. Maybe they already know me because I'm the only human who studies here.

Yes, there's no other human I've seen here in my first class. All of them are vampires. I don't know why they didn't attack me. Isn't there's a vampire-like that?

The way of teaching here is really different from the human world. Almost every topic we study is about Science and History. But the history is about their history only. There's no topic about humans at all.

What do I expect? Of course, this is a school of vampires.

I went out to go back to my dorm. Luckily, my class, this morning is already ended. But I have class later from 6 to 10 PM. All of them are Physical subjects. Similar to Physical Education in the human world.

I'm kinda nervous when it comes to this hour because it is already evening. But what do I expect?

I walk rapidly ignoring those stares they gave to me. I look down. I felt embarrassed. Why do they keep on staring at me?

I continue to walk when I bumped into someone, I quickly hold my forehead.

"Ouch!" I moaned in pain because I bump my forehead.

"Sorry" I look at the person who said this.

He's a man and obviously a vampire.

I blinked while looking at his gorgeous face. His face is so angelic even though he's a vampire.

"Oh, you must be Rose?" He graciously said. I immediately nod, I can't stop myself from looking at him.

I can sense that he's different from the other vampires I encounter.

"I'm Kim Doyoung. Nice to meet you. I never thought that we encountered like tuis" he giggled.

I don't know what should I say. I don't know why I act like this.

"Rose?" he called me again that's why I came back to my senses.

What the heck!? What happened to me!? Did I attract him!?

"I'm sorry... Uhm, I'll go first" I said and abruptly left. I'm so embarrassed about what I have done.


Third Person's POV

Rose left while blushing and her heart beating fast. She didn't think she could be stunned in front of a vampire.

She tried to calm herself, but she can't.

Doyoung can't resist smiling because of what Rose did and he clearly heard the heartbeats of Rose's heart.

Yes, he can hear it. It is his powers. A power where he can hear a loudest to weakest sound.

He didn't hesitate to leave when he can't hear Rose anymore. Because Rose is already far away from him.


While Rose went back to her dorm she didn't notice the man who's been watching her and also can hear her heartbeats.

Taeyong smile bitterly.

He doesn't understand why he's really irritated about what he saw.

He can't understand himself since Rose came into their world.

He only knows one thing, he shouldn't fall in love with a human, like Rose.

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