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"Taeyong..." The girl looked into Taeyong's eyes. His eyes are dark pink. Taeyong smiled at the girl in front of him and held both cheeks. "I love you" Taeyong said to the girl. "I love you to—" A voice behind them cuts the girl off before continuing her sentence.

"Rosanne, let's go home..." She heard it from Doyoung, who was already standing in the Garden of White Roses, while Taeyong and the girl, whose name I believe is Rosanne, are standing in the Garden of Red Roses. Rosanne looked at Doyoung.

"Rosanne, come here right now. They're waiting for you," Doyoung said, holding Rosanne's hand. Rosanne turned to face Taeyong, who was holding her other hand.

I stood there, puzzled, watching them. They're weird. I was about to say something when I witnessed the blood dripping down Rosanne's white dress. She's now drenched in red and white. What the hell is going on!?

I glance at Rosanne, and my eyes widen when she looks at me back. I take a step backward. How is this possible? This can't be. Why does she look so much like me!?

"The history will repeat itself Rose, please change it, or else you'll die."

Rose's POV

I jolted up from my lying position and gasped for breath. I glance at my surroundings. It's just a dream. But why does it appear to be real? And why does the girl in my dreams really look like me?

"You're finally awake." I looked at the person who said that. It's Doyoung... Doyoung appears in my dream as well. "I can hear your heart racing. Did something happen?" Doyoung wondered, concerned. I shook my head.

"Nothing, I just had some bad dreams," I say, turning my gaze to my surroundings. "Where am I?" I asked

"You're in our apartment." Oh, right. Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Shin live together here because their mansions are far away from the university. "We actually want to take you to your dorm, but Taeyong rejects," Doyoung informed.

"Why?" I wondered as I leaned against the bed's headboard. "The female who is with the guy who kidnapped you could come back, so we need to keep an eye on you until we find the girl. Taeyong wanted to take you to their place, but we didn't agree," Doyoung added. I frown.

"Why? I mean, it's not that I want to be there; in fact, I don't like it because Phoebe is there, but why?" I responded directly. He approached me and handed me an apple.

"Because a mortal is not allowed to enter their mansion. Humans are not authorized, and if you enter, they would definitely kill you. Taeyong is not yet the owner of their mansion, so we did not allow it." Oh, I see.

"How about here? Am I allowed to stay?" Doyoung chuckled. "This is an apartment, not our mansion, so you're welcome to stay here; however, if you want to stay at the mansion, it's not yet permitted; mortals are not allowed there, much like Lee's." he replied. "What? Mortals aren't allowed? But Shin is a mortal."

"She's my adopted sister. So she's free to come and go as she pleases in and out of our household." Oh, right. "So, for the time being, you can stay here in our apartment. However, you should take a rest first, and I'm going out for a bit. Shin will be back home as well, her room is next to yours, on the other side of the door. I'm sure she'll be here later." He reminded me and smile at me. Doyoung's smile is so beautiful.

I simply nodded and lay down again. I'm not sure why I need to rest again; I wasn't harmed when they kidnapped me.


I frustratedly sit up on my bed. I've been lying down doing nothing for over 30 minutes. I badly need my phone, but it's still in my dorm. I've been waiting for Shin, but she hasn't arrived yet. I'm really bored, huhu.

I jumped out of bed and went straight to the door. It's not that bad if I leave the room and roam around Doyoung's apartment, right? I took a deep breath and opened the door, but before I could get out the door, I was unexpectedly taken aback by the person in front of me.

"T-Taeyong..." I exclaimed, surprised to see Taeyong also gripping the doorknob. He seems to be coming. When I realized Taeyong and I were getting too close, I backed off even further.

"You're here," I murmured, giving him some space to enter the room. I'm not sure why I'm always nervous around Taeyong. "How are you feeling?" he asked upon entering the room.

"I'm fine; I don't have any injuries, therefore I'm absolutely fine," I reply. I saw him nod. The silence fell upon the room. Nobody dares to speak up. Gosh! It's really quite awkward. I returned my glance to Taeyong, not expecting to see him return mine. I was ready to say something when a memory flashed into my mind.

"I love you..."

"Rosanne, let's go home..."

I held my head. I remember my dream again. "Rose, are you okay?" Taeyong appeared in front of me in a split second, holding both of my arms. I looked at him. "Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead."

"Who is Rosanne?"

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