Copyright 2014-2015

Mari and Bethesda

            “Why didn’t you ask Cassie to drive you home?”

            “Cassandra is mad at me.”


            “She’ll say I ditched her at Maejor’s party.”

            “And what do you say?”

            “I say it’s fault she decided to stay in the back with Twist.”

            “I thought Cassie liked Twist.”

            “She does. But Cassandra doesn’t.”

            “I thought she promised Cassandra wouldn’t show up.”

            “I thought so too.”

            “How long do you think she’ll be mad for?”

            “Hard to say. It gets longer each time.”

            “Are you seeing Justin tomorrow?”

            “No. He’s going to an award show, and you know how I feel about huge Hollywood parties.”

            “Do you want to go to Mark’s?”

            “I want to see Landon. His flat screen is fixed now.”

            “Mind if I stay?”

            “Not at all.”

            They drove in silence for a few miles.

            “Is Justin going to meet Marianna now that he knows?”

            She shook her head firmly. “No. He’s never going to meet Marianna.”

            Because Justin doesn’t know what happens when Marianna doesn’t disappear. And Mari can’t risk him finding out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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