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I had a day off from school, and decided to take a break from allll of my midterm studying to post "Day 4."

Thanks for reading:)

Copyright 2013-2014



            Mari stayed hidden during Marianna’s days with her mom.


            It was something Marianna always feared: that somebody or something from Mari’s nights out would suddenly appear in one of the ritzy hotels restaurants her mother took her to.

            Marianna never discussed her activities with her mom. She’d learned long ago that her mother was only interested in complaining about her ex-husband, and she was fine with letting the older woman rant.

            Today was no different: They sat together at the Ritz Carlton, her mother drinking sherry, and Marianna picking at a salad. Her mom was talking about some guy she met at work, and how he’s doing something with his life.

            “Unlike your father,” she continued after ordering another glass of sherry. “Didn’t he just get fired again?”

            Marianna smiled without humor. “Promoted, actually.”

            Her mother wrinkled her nose as if the idea of her ex-husband climbing the corporate ladder was an unpleasant smell on her life. “Nevertheless, honey, you will simply adore this new guy. Would you like to meet him next month?”

            “If you want to bring him.”

            Marianna let her eyes wander about the restaurant while her mom chattered on and on. A flash of movement at the main door caught her eye. Somebody was entering the restaurant, flanked on either side by tall men wearing all-black. She leaned to the right to see the person’s face, and froze.

            Those chiseled features.

            Those dark brown eyes.

            That hair.

            That ease with which he walked.

            That smile.

            Those sunglasses. Those sunglasses perched on top of that hair. Those sunglasses. Her sunglasses. The reason Mari had had to borrow Cassie’s because he hadn’t given her back her sunglasses Thursday night after the video shoot.


            Marianna stared down at the table, hiding her face with her hair, hoping he wouldn’t notice the distinct ¾ natural, ¼ dyed hue of it that he nicknamed last week as “The Mane.” He strolled through their section of the restaurant, and she was determined not to look at him.

            “Oh, honey, isn’t that that Justin boy? The singer?” her mother said in a loud whisper as he passed their table. “I’ll get his autograph for you.”

            “No!” Marianna hissed.

            But it was too late to stop her mother when she decided to show maternal affection and awareness. She stood up and tapped one of the security guards on his burly shoulder.

            “Excuse me? Can I get Justin’s autograph, for my daughter?”         

            The guards looked at Justin, who shrugged and said sure.

            “Perfect! She’s right over here.”

            Marianna buried her face in her purse as her mother thrust a piece of paper and a pen to Justin. He took it all with grace; this was California after all.

            “Who should I make it out to?”

            That voice.

            “Marianna,” her mother said proudly.

            Marianna unwillingly withdrew from her hiding spot in her bag and forced herself to meet Justin’s eyes.

            Her smirked slightly. “How about to Mari?”

            “Marianna is fine,” she said sharply.

            He smiled widely. “Of course. My mistake.” He scribbled on the paper and handed it to Marianna. “Here you go.”

            “Thank you so much!” her mother gushed.

            Justin smiled at her again before being led away by his security guards.

            Marianna slowly folded up the autograph and put it in her bag, thinking about the excuse Mari would have to give him tonight at the shoot.           

            Because Justin doesn’t know about Marianna, and Mari is determined to keep it that way.

3/4 Natural, 1/4 DyedWhere stories live. Discover now