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Copyright 2013-2014


Mari and Cassandra

Mari and Cassie

Cassandra and Marianna are best friends.

Mari and Cassie are best friends. 

Cassandra doesn't like Mari. 

Marianna doesn't like Cassie. 

Mari wasn't happy when Cassandra came with her to the party. Cassandra had taken out Cassie's gauges and hid the most vibrant of Cassie's partially dyed-pink hair with a low ponytail. Cassandra sucked all the fun out of Cassie. 

Cassandra wished Mari didn't dance on so many people. Cassandra took almost every drink out of Mari's hands and gave them back to whoever had given it to her. Cassandra reminded Mari about Marianna. 

“Tomorrow’s your day with your mom,” Cassandra said.

Mari rolled her eyes. “So?”

“Just because your dad doesn’t notice doesn’t mean your mom won’t.”

“She hasn’t before.” Mari tossed back a shot. “Have some fun, Cassandra.” She reached around and pulled Cassandra’s hair loose from her ponytail. She smiled. “Now you look like Cassie.”

Cassandra sighed and let Mari pull her into a dance, slowly becoming Cassie at Mari’s insistence.

Because Mari loves Cassie, and both Cassandra and Cassie need Mari’s love.

3/4 Natural, 1/4 DyedWhere stories live. Discover now