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Copyright 2013-2014



            Cassie hated coming to Justin’s studio. She hated watching him spew out those unoriginal lyrics. She hated putting up with his cocky attitude.

            But somebody had to supervise Mari.

            “How much longer are we gonna be here?” she asked. “Mark and Bethesda found a new club, and I want to go with them.”

            “Just wait till he’s done with ‘Hold Tight,’’ Mari pleaded.

            “He’s been working on it for two hours, Mari.”

            “It has to be to be perfect for the album.

            Cassie rolled her eyes. “It’s a stupid song. ‘Lips won’t let me go’? Give me a break.”

            Mari looked offended. “He wrote it for my birthday.”

            Cassie shrugged. “It makes you both sound easy. He’s supposed to be an innocent Christian virgin to the media, and he’s talking about you’re the ‘best he’s ever had.’”

            Mari pouted. “Why can’t you be supportive?”

            “Because he’s an asshole,” Cassie said. “An asshole who’s cutting into my club time.”

            Mari huffed loudly and looked into the sound booth. “Then why don’t you just leave? I don’t want you here if you’re not gonna be supportive.”

            Cassie grabbed her bag and stalked over to the door. She was halfway down the hall before she sighed heavily and walked back into the studio. Without saying a word, she sat back down next to Mari, followed her gaze into the sound booth, and put up with Justin for another two hours.

            Because Cassie can never leave Mari. Even when Mari leaves her for Justin.

3/4 Natural, 1/4 DyedWhere stories live. Discover now