first day

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Islah Jones: 18 years old

Owen Parker: 19 years old

"Okay my beautiful Islah, you're all set. I'm gonna miss you so much", my dad says to me as he hugs me goodbye. My older brother Hunter also hugs me goodbye. He's my best friend and I'm scared to leave him behind with my dad but it's time. I finally got into my dream college in New York City and this moment marks the beginning of my adult journey. 

Once I say goodbye, I close the door and jump on the bed in exhaustion. We just spent five hours on the road. Suddenly the door is burst through by two people making out. Must be my roommate.

"Um excuse me?", I shyly say. "Huh? Oh I'm so sorry! Trevor get out!" The girl was embarrassed, consistently apologizing. "Oh it's alright! Don't worry about it", I said to her. "My name's Islah, what's yours?" "Hi Islah my name is Daisy", she responds back with. 

Wow. Daisy is gorgeous. Beautiful braids and dark skin with bright eyes and the perfect smile. She has a glowing radiance and so much confidence. I can't help but compare myself to her. I'm a shy, mid-height girl with long wavy brown hair and brown eyes. I've always been insecure about the way I look despite the amount of compliments I've received in my life.

"So, sorry for making such a bad impression. It's really great to meet you Islah! I've been waiting months to finally have a roommate and by the looks of it, you seem pretty cool."

"Wow um thanks", I say nervously. "You can bring your boyfriend back in." "Oh Trevor? Nah he's not my boyfriend. He's just looking for a one night stand. He can stay out there.", Daisy says. "Well okay then.", I awkwardly laugh.

"Well Daisy, I'm gonna get some sleep, I'm really tired. It was great meeting you."

"No girl come on, it's your first night! You have to come to Owen's party with me tonight!" "What? Tonight? I can't. Like I said, I'm tired and I also don't really do parties... sorry", I say as I shrug. "No, no, no, I'm not taking no for an answer. You need to have fun tonight! Go out there and make some friends girl! Let loose."

"Alright I guess I'll go for just a couple hours." "Perfect! You're gonna love it! Now pick out an outfit and we'll be on our way. I'll text my girlfriends.", Daisy says as I start to pick out an outfit.

"Hey Daisy?" "Yeah?" "Who even is this Owen guy? I kind of want to know a bit more about him if I'm going to his party."

"Oh yeah of course! He's tall and hot and he has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He's also super muscular but he's a total douche. You should never mess with him, he's a real player. He's been with like four girls in the past three months." "Wow." "Crazy right?" "I guess", I respond with. "Just try not to get with him, okay?", Daisy tells me. "Yeah um he's not my type anyway.", I respond.

"Good.", she says back.

"I'm all ready! How do I look?", I ask. 

"You look perfect. Let's go."

Here goes nothing...

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