I walked into.the.back.room and sat in the corner. I couldn't believe that I'm not with Ashton..... but I'm not with Luke either..... I was single.... I was single.for.the first time since high school. Wow.... I don't like the feeling... Luke then walks in his hair wet from taking a shower. " hey....." he says . I didn't answer. " what's wrong" he says" being single for the for the first time in forever feels terrible." I say looking at the floor. " your not single" he says" how.much you wanna bet" i.say looking at him" no..... this can't be happening...." he says" yep..... it's happening. .. we both got dumped by our wife and husband" i.say. he just stands there looking at me" so that means your all mine..." he said sitting next to.me and hugging me" not exactly" I.say" what do you mean" he says" I was never really asked so I'm still.single....." I say shrugging" well..... katelen. Summerall" He says" yes Lucas hemmings " I say" will you Be mine..." he says kissing my cheek" I don't not know i mean I need some one who will be loyal.... someone who will love when I'm a total dork.... someone who. ." He stops me" you look for a lot in guys" he says " well I need the best... " I say laughing " yes" i say" yes what" he says" yes you are all the things I need and yes I will be yours" I say kissing him. " cool" he says in between kisses.
When we walk out he grabs my hand and sits me on his lap.when we sit down. I take out my phone and log onto Twitter. I post:
The tables have turned....... Ashton and I are friends. .... destiny and Luke are friends and now Luke and I are together...... I love him. ... I wouldn't change anything.
As soon as I post it I see Luke posted something it read:
Kate's mine now..... I love her.... I always have.....
I look at him and smile. " your. .. amazing" I.say kissing him. " no... you are" he says.