i"You have got to be kidding me Nash!"

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"Dude!" Cameron says. I cant believe it! He tells me to stay away and no reason then dcides to tell me that.

"Guys.." Nash nervously says....

"Are you serious?! 'Say away from him!' Ugh Nash your such a liar. You cant stay away from him yourself! You know what Nash I cant trust someone like th-"

"Your phones ringing-"

"I know," its Emily, "Hey, yeah I am fine with doing the project at your house. Oh your brothers gonna be there?" I turn to Nash and smile, "I'll be there at 12 tomorrow. Bye"

"You what?!"

"Cam can you give me a ride home?"

"Yeah sure." We walk away from Nash, dang he ugh.


We pull into my driveway. Neither of us had said something on the way home. Something about Cameron calmed me down sometimes. He knew exactly what to do. Well he did stop to get me food so.. haha.

"Do you wanna come inside?" I say.

"Uh yeah sure" We had walked in. No one was home so I decided to order a pizza.

"I am gonna order a piz-" Cams phone went off, probably Nash, "Go take that I will just order plain."

Cams POV

"What Man!"I say to him.

"We had an agreement! You said I could have her,"

"Does it look like shes happy with you?" And I hung up.

I walk into the kitchen, "So whats up?"

"Did you know?"

"I knew that their parents had beeen seeing eachother, but no not that they were getting mar-" I couldnt talk. Not that I couldn't speak, it was because her lips were on mine. And I liked it.


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