Can You Hang Out?

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Matt and I had been non stop texting the last few days and Cameron had spent the night last night. He had just left to go to Nash's and he invited me. Nash had been texting me the last few days but I think he had got the point that I didn't wanna talk to him right now. I was getting ready for school. I went downstairs and my parents were gone already. *Bing* I had gotten a text from Nash.. again.

Nash: Wanna ride today? I really want to talk to you.

I decided to reply because I somewhat wanted to talk to him too, he was one of my best friends here.

Sky: Hey, no I don't need a ride today..Matt is gonna drive me. But you could give me a ride home today? I wanna talk too. He replied instantly.

Nash: I would love too... just make sure you have enough food.

Sky:Sure np;)

A few minutes later, Matt had came through my door," I'm here!! Wheres the fo-" He comes in and stops.

"What?" I say

"Nothing, I just think you look really pretty.."He blushed.

"Thanks Matt but do you notice I am still in sweatpants?"

He chuckled," Yes and even in that you do"

"Well with that, I am gonna get dressed."

When I came down stairs Matt turned around from playing with my dog.

"You do notice this is just school right? We aren't going out on a Saturday night.." He had said,"Wait are you trying to impress someone?"


"Ok, well were gonna be late lets go.." He's so oblivious.

The whole ride to school we sang to songs. He opened the door for me.

"I will see you at lunch okay? I have to go talk to one of my teachers."

"Kk bye!" When he walked away Cam came up.

"Hey You look nice." He said.

"Why is everyone saying this?"

"1. because its true and 2. because you usually wear sweatpants.... Are you trying to Impress someone?"


"YES YOU ARE!!! I SEE IT ON YOUR FACE!" I drag him out of the way of people I do not want people to know.

"Yes okay I-" The bell rang,"Saved by the bell"


I walk into lunch and Matt was with me. He wanted to sit with Cam and if you sit by him then you have the whole group. "So is someone gonna introduce who the girl is?" I think Taylor his name is said.

"Skylar"I say

"Pretty name for a pretty girl!" Aaron says.


"She already has her eye on someo-"


All at once the boys said, "OHHH Who?"

And once again I had been saved by the bell. But not the bell to class, the bell for the fire alarm! We all get up and go to the place we need to. I was standing next to Matt and I was freezing! "Hey do you want my jacket?"

"No I will be okay, it is just a few minutes."

"Okay" But he just rapped his arms around my waist and put his head on top of mine. A few minutes later we still were just standing there. Matt and I didnt talk, it was comfortable silence. I like when that happens, and I felt safe with it. Ten minutes later we went back inside.

"Hey do you wanna come over after school to work on the project?" Matt had said. "Its due tomorrow and we haven't finished yet"

"Yeah sure"

**Matts house**

I feel like I am forgetting something. I have been at his house for an hour and we were just laying on the couch. "Wanna play truth or dare?" Matt said out of no where.

"Uhh sure" I replied

"Truth or dare"


"Who is the lucky guy you like?"

"I wouldn't say he is lucky but I wouldn't like to say it right now, I think you will find out in a few days." After a few rounds of truth or dare we had ended up wrestling. He flipped me over, and we were both panting. He was only like 3 inches away.


"What Matt?" We were both still panting.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth Matt"

"Okay, If I kissed you right now what would you do?"


Sorry for the late update. Vote and comment:)

Matthew Espinosa: Pretty Boy Falls For Bad GirlWhere stories live. Discover now