Chapter 25

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The next morning went by quickly. We all got in our battle gear, checked our weapons, and went over the plan again. Instead of the swords that I normally used, I instead decided on a small laser pistol, but the throwing knives were still in my belt, ready for me to telekinetically pull them out and attack with them if I needed to. In my mission, if I needed to kill, I wouldn't want to have to be up close to the person I was fighting. I had to shoot from a distance. Mark, Ace, Spencer, and the other Generals with their top fighters all had the same idea, because they too, had pistols. We were ready. We wore bullet proof vests underneath our black clothes, so that if anyone did get shot with an actual bullet, then it at least provided some protection. Group by group we were marched into the teleportation room. We were the last to go, because we had a mission of our own. Some Defenders stayed behind, along with the Masters, to prepare the rest of Terragentem for war. We all hoped that this would be the last battle, but if it wasn't, we knew for sure that Terragentem would be the next target of the government. The group of ten of us ( Mark, Ace, Spencer, and I of Versatile, Alex and two others of Defense, Hunter and two others from Combatant) stepped into the portal teleportation room. We were off. We landed a small distance away from where the main attack was going on from, hearing the cries of battle. Our small group moved quickly around the edge of the building, finding a back door that was heavily guarded. Just from what we could see from the outside, there were guards everywhere.
" Well, what are we waiting for?" Hunter said impatiently " Let's go kick some butt!"
" Hunter wait..." Alex said
It was too late. Hunter had already run forward and blasted through the doors, madly shooting his pistol, knocking down every guard in sight.
" Did you... Kill them?" I asked
" No, just put the gun laser on stun mode." He answered. " I'm not that battle hungry."
" Well, that's one way to do it. " Ace said
" Great, now they will know we are here for sure." Alex said, annoyed. " Thanks for putting the entire mission in jeopardy Hunter."
" No they won't. I knocked everyone of the people in sight out."
" Did you hear the racket that you made, or are you deaf? More soldiers will be coming soon."
Hunter and Alex continued to argue, and their second in commands also took sides.
" Just stop!" Ace almost yelled. " You aren't accomplishing anything by fighting each other, you're just wasting time! "
Hunter and Alex turned around to face Ace.
" Sorry. " Alex said apologetically
" Yeah, sorry. " Hunter muttered.
" Thank you. " Ace answered." Now, we have a mission to complete, right?"
We crept through the quiet hallways of the base where president Shadevin was somewhere hiding. Checking every room, every corner, every hall, looking for our target. Any guard that we saw was immediately shot down by Hunter's amazing aim. We crept around the corner of one of the hallways that looked like an exact replica of the many we had already passed through. This time though, as we turned the corner, there was a blank wall. A dead end.
" Come on! " Mark exclaimed " We did all this work for nothing? We go through this maze of hallways that look exactly alike and then end up with a wall full of nothing?"
" Yeah I know! " Alex said angrily
" This was stupid. " I muttered.
Hunter's anger was very obvious.
" You've. Got. To. Be. Kidding! " he said, running up to the wall, and he laid two heavy punches to the wall. With a final angry yell, he gave it a kick. The wall crumbled in. Yes, in.
" Wait, it's like the Versatile Base entrance! " Ace said
Without hesitation, he walked right into the gaping hole in the wall. The rest of us followed, Hunter bringing up the rear. Then the hallway split. Lots of guards came rushing out of both tunnels in the fork of the hall.
" Ugh! I'm so stupid, I should've known that there was going to be guards coming! That entrance probably had security! " Ace said angrily.
" Hold on Ace. " Alex said determinedly " This is the perfect opportunity to find Shadevin while all his guards are here. "
" Yeah." Hunter said, agreeing with Alex for once. " We need to send some people down to find Shadevin. "
" I volunteer. " I said automatically.
" So do I. " Ace said
" Well, if you guys are going, so am I." Mark answered.
" Good. I think it's a good idea that our Versatiles are going to complete this mission, since, of course, they don't specialize in anything in particular. " Alex said
" What about me? " Spencer asked. " Am I going?"
Everyone looked at each other and we all slowly shook our heads no.
" Why not?" Spencer asked " I'm versatile too. I'm your combatant commander! "
" And that's exactly why you need to stay here. This is where the fighting is. This is what you were trained for. " Ace answered
Spencer let out a sigh. " Ok."
" Good. " Hunter said. Then he faced me, Ace, and Mark. " You guys go, fast, we'll buy you as much time as we can."
We gave each General and soldier a respectful nod, and took off.
" Mark, teleport us as far as you can down the left tunnel. I'm pretty sure that's where we have to go. " Ace said.
Mark grabbed our hands, and we were off through the teleportation dimension. We landed quite a ways down the tunnel, and he heard a loud battle cry behind us.
" Sounds like Hunter has started the fight." Ace said
We ran down the corridor, and then reached a room at the end of the hall, with two guards standing attentively at either side. With a yell of surprise, they raised their blasters at us, ready to fire, but I yanked them telekinetically out of their hands and whacked each of them on the head with their own gun. Then, we opened the door, which surprisingly wasn't locked. Inside was a small, tidy little room, with a desk, and a office chair that was turned away from us. Before the chair even turned around, I knew who occupied it. President Shadevin.

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