Chapter 2

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My life became interesting as soon as I learned that my mind was strangely strong. I tend to get angry sometimes, as all people do, but this time was different. I was trying to perfect a drawing for art class, but it just wasn't working out for me. Finally I just dropped the pencil and gave the drawing a punishing stare. After a couple seconds of glaring, the paper slowly began to rip in half. I wasn't even touching it. That made me more angry, because I thought that Mark must have been playing some sort of joke on me, so I yelled " UGH! " and brought both hands down at the same time. The desk I was working at broke. I really didn't mean too. Of course I got in trouble for it anyway. I tried to explain what had happened, but the lady who runs the orphanage said,
" We know that you have some problems controlling your anger, and you have broken things before because you were mad. We will try to get the desk fixed, but since you broke it, you will not be allowed to come out of your room except for meals, church, and school. You are dismissed. "
And I went to bed, hoping that it was just some dream. Hoping that I didn't really rip up my paper without touching it. Hoping that I didn't just break the desk with a simple motion of my hands. When I woke up I found out that everything was the same as the night before. The desk still broken, my paper still in shreds, and me still asking, " What in the world did I do?" I still had to stay in my room during any of my free time. Not that it matters, because Mark would come in and keep me company and make up some fun game for us to play. But one day, Mark was sitting at a chair in our room, staring out the open window into the freshly cut lawn, when suddenly, whoosh, he wasn't there anymore. You know the way a TV looks before it cuts off? The way the screen kind of moves back and forth and then the picture on the screen isn't there? That's what happened to my brother. Except I don't think that people were supposed to black out like TVs. I jumped up and ran to the chair. " Mark? Where did you go?"
" I'm out here!" Someone who sounded like Mark yelled from outside. But that couldn't be him. He was just sitting in a chair in here a moment ago. I glanced at the window, and yet, there he was, jumping and waving at me from the front lawn.
" How did you get out there? " I yelled as I leaned out the window.
" I was staring at the lawn, and then I like, was sucked into this swirling tube of colors, and then I landed right here. "
" Because that's totally natural. " I said sarcastically. " How did you seriously get out there?"
" I just told you, I got sucked into a magic swirly tube and landed in the lawn! I don't know the scientific details, but that's just what happened."
I was about to object again, but then realized that he might actually be telling the truth. I had oddly messed up things last night. Why wouldn't my brother be able to do weird things too? We were almost identical, we both had black hair, same shape of face, people would easily believe that we were siblings with the exception that I had fiery brown eyes and he had electric blue.
" Can you go back in the color tube and get back in here? " I asked
" I don't know. I haven't done this before, but I could try I guess. "
He started to stare through the window, into the chair that he had been sitting in before and then, he wasn't in the yard and was once again in the chair. It was as though nothing had happened.
" I'm not sure that I just saw all that. " I said
" Well I'm sure that I just teleported from the window to the front yard and back again." He answered, with that stupid little smirk on his face.
" Don't act so smug about it. I can move things with my mind! " I bragged
" Let's see it then." He challenged
" Can do, bro." I closed my eyes, and cleared my mind of everything but my will to pick something up. I then focused on the pencil on the remains of our desk, and levitated it right over to Mark, using no physical contact at all. Then I lifted my hands as though I was picking up a pencil and began to " write " with the floating pencil. My mind wasn't strong enough to completely write mentally, so I had to use some hand motions. Let me explain: It's harder to telekinetically move things using your mind and only your mind. If you incorporate some hand motions, then things are easier to move. Think about when you are lifting something heavy. It's really hard for you to carry on your own, but when get someone to help, there isn't as much weight to the object anymore. That's the best way I can explain it to a normal human, so I hope that you understand.
Mark looked at the floating pencil with amazement,and then glanced back to me who was still delicately moving my hands while staring at the pencil.
" Wow. That's really cool." He said
" Hey, you still just teleported from a third story room to the ground and back."
" We are both complete freaks. "
" True that. "
I gently placed the pencil on the bottom bunk of our bed, then turned to Mark.
"Let's not tell anyone about this weird stuff. I'm already the kid with anger issues and a liar, we don't need people to think we are totally mental too. But then I suppose that we are mental. Mentally able. "

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