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"Did you pack everything already? Your passports?" Draken asked on the other line as I double checked our bags, I hummed in response when I saw everything I'll need, "you're gonna arrive at four p.m. here, right?"

"Yes," I said, "Chieko, don't let her eat too many chocolates!"

I spent four years here in New York, I gave birth to my little angel here as well, Mika. Ryuguji Mika.

I continued with college, good thing the university allowed online set up but since I'll be enrolling in med school now, I have to go back since we'll become more hands on with our patients. Oh, Chieko? She moved to New York when everything went down for her and we found each other here. She was very sorry and even lived with me and took care of me when I was still pregnant.

She's dating Chifuyu now, and trust me, they're a loud-ass couple who always bickers over the little issues, but they're going strong.

"I'll hang up now, they're waiting for me," Draken said, "and Mikey said he's very excited to see you again."

I rolled my eyes, "he was just here last week."

Draken chuckled and said goodbye. I went to Chieko and hit her head, "ouch! Brutal bitch."

"Don't cuss in front of Mika!" I hit her head again and carried Mika to wash her hands full of melted chocolates, "did you pack already, Chieko?"

"Yup! I'll just double check as well." she said and went to her room

"Mama, meet papa Miwey tomowwow?" Mika asked

Mikey introduced himself as papa Mikey and now Mika calls him papa Miwey, cute but sometimes I just want to use his roundhouse kick on him as well.

"Yes, baby," I answered as I wiped her hands, "you miss papa?"

Mika nodded and went down, she grabbed a paper and showed it to me. It was a drawing of three stick person, the middle one was shorter, "papa, mama and Miwa!"

I chuckled and pinched her cheek, "I'm sure papa would be super happy with that surprise."

We had dinner and slept early, since our flight is at two a.m.

Chieko placed all the luggage in the cab as I double-checked the place we rented for four years. We rode the cab and Mika is still sleeping in my arms so Chieko took care with most of the luggage, especially the hand carry.

Chieko fell asleep right away when we settled inside the plane, but I stayed awake while looking outside the window. Though I kept my communication with my friends, I'm still anxious of what awaits for me when I reach Japan. It's been four years since I last saw that place.

AT THE WRONG TIME || Takashi Mitsuya ficWhere stories live. Discover now