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"Dada, why is the girl mad at me?" Mika asked Takashi while he's tucking her to bed and I'm preparing the bag she'll bring tomorrow for our errands.

"Hmm, there's just a misunderstanding baby," Takashi answered and brushed her hair, "how are you feeling?"

"Miwa is alright, dada," she smiled, "but the girl looked sad. Should I give her one of my dolls? So she would be happy."

I smiled at her innocence, but a lot of questions are running inside my head. I guess I'll just talk it out with Takashi later.

"Mika, time to sleep," I told her and she lay down properly

Takashi kissed her forehead while whispering his goodnight and I did the same. After a while, she's already sleeping deeply so we turned off her lamp and went out.

"Takashi, do you have time? Can we talk?"

"Sure, I know you have questions running around your mind as well," he answered, he knows me damn well.

We went down the living room and we sat on the couch, I don't know how to start or where to start.

"Is she.." I paused and bit my lip, "is she yours?"

"I don't know," he answered which made me look at him, "I don't want to run a DNA test because I already considered her my own but.. I don't.."

I nodded, I know he can't form it out. It is never easy for a parent to know that the child they loved for how many years isn't theirs to begin with.

"Takashi," I called out, "you know about Mika's condition. I can't let that happen again, please.." I almost broke down

Seeing Mika having complications in terms of breathing is enough to break my heart. Thoughts of losing her floods my mind and I can't bear that.

He scoots closer to me and hugged me tightly as tears fell down my cheeks, he caressed my hair and kissed my head, "I'll protect you both, I swear."

I don't know if this is another promise he is gonna break but I am hoping it's not. For Mika's sake, I am hoping he would keep this.

"Good morning!" Mikey greeted as I went down, "I made breakfast!"

I smiled, "thank you, Mikey."

"You good?" he asked as I sat down, "did you cry last night? Your eyes are puffy."

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled

He sighed and went to me, he hugged me tight, "I'm here, you know. I won't scar your heart in any way. So don't think too much about your problems and just lean on me."

AT THE WRONG TIME || Takashi Mitsuya ficWhere stories live. Discover now