Spin the Bottle

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Tommy woke up in a haze. For a moment everything felt foggy, uncertain. Suddenly he realized what happened yesterday. He rushed off the bed and looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled at his new hair.

"I look good."


Tommy looked down at the floor and realized Wilbur was sleeping there in a sleeping bag. Oh, Tommy thought. I must've slept in Wilbur's room.

Wilbur slowly woke up. "Hey Toms."

Tommy smiled at how naturally Wilbur said his name now. "Hey Wilby. I almost forgot you cut my hair yesterday."

Wilbur sat up and rubbed his eyes. "It looks good man. It looks good."

Tommy nodded. "Well I should probably go get ready for school-"

"Yeah go go." Wilbur shooed him away and flopped back onto the ground.

Tommy quickly pulled all of his belongings together and ran his hands through his hair. He let out a shaky breath as he looked at himself in the mirror. "I look like a boy."

"You are a boy. Now come on, let's go to school." Wilbur said smiling, suddenly appearing at his door.

The two brothers made their way to school, celebrating a new day and Tommy's new look.

Tommy hopped out of the car and turned around waving goodbye at Wilbur. Wilbur smiled at his brother.

Tommy made his way towards his first period, weaving in and out through students. No one was looking at him. Did they think he was a different person? Did they think he was a boy?

Tommy sat down in class in front of Tubbo staring intensely at his phone. He expected a comment or a hello but nothing came. Slowly he turned around and looked at Tubbo's phone. He was playing crossy road.

"Huhm." Tommy cleared his throat. Tubbo looked up quickly and back down. He got hit by a car in-game.

"Aw man I got so far!" Tubbo turned off his phone. He looked up and went quiet for a moment. Suddenly-

"OH MY GOD YOUR HAIR!" Tubbo jumped up in his seat and flapped his hands around excitedly. "It looks so good!"

Tommy felt his heart glow. "You think so? I mean- It does looks good but-"

"It's amazing! It's you," Tubbo said.

Tommy nodded. "It's me."

"Alright guys and gals and everyone else, let's get started!" Mr. Badboyhalo- or, Bad, went around the class and started pairing people together. He came over to Tubbo and Tommy and the two best friends hoped they would get paired.

"Alright Tubbo with Layla, Tommy with Dream." Bad started to walk away when Tubbo called out to him.

"Wait- Bad, Tommy and I were hoping we could get paired together."

"Sorry Tubbo, I can't change pairs now. Otherwise then Dream and Layla would not want to be together and lots of stuff will unfold. I'll make sure to pair you two next time." Bad smiled at Tubbo and walked back to his desk. "Okay! Everyone paired and ready to be peeled?"

The students made confused faces. Bad chuckled nervously. "Oookay then. So today we'll be talking about some fun topics. Would you rather, this or that, two truths and a lie, and spin the bottle!"

The class erupted in laughter and surprise.

Bad rolled his eyes. "No, not like that. Instead of kissing," he glared at some students snickering, "whatever two the bottle lands on has to stick with each other the whole day!"

Everyone groaned, resulting in a disappointed Bad. "I know socializing with new people is hard, trust me it's hard doing that with you, my new students. But try, guys. Make some friends. I'm sure some people are worth it."

The class settled down. "Ok! Get going! Spin the bottle will be at the end, so play any of the other three games and I'll let you know when it's time." He sat down and the room's volume rose with chatter.

Tubbo and Tommy shared one last look at each other before moving to their partners. Tommy nervously scooched over to Dream. "Hi! I'm Tommy."

Dream looked up. Tommy then realized he was one of Sapnap's friends. Immediately his mood turned bitter.

"Hi, I'm Dream. Nice to meet you." Dream smiled, his green eyes squinting with the stretch of the face.

Tommy felt his stomach twist. Is this guy being sarcastic? "Ok, so what should we play first?" Tommy asked.

Dream shrugged. "I don't really care. Would you rather I guess."

Tommy nodded. He quickly thought of something. "Would you rather date a girl or a boy?"

Dream raised his eyebrows. He stuttered and looked down. "A b-"

"Psst! Dream! PISS BABY!"

Tommy looked up to see Sapnap whisper-shouting at him by the door.

"What are you doing here Sapnap?" Dream asked.

"Bleachers. Lunch. The kid sits there alone." Sapnap smirked and dashed away.

Dream sighed. He turned back to Tommy. "I'd date a...a girl, I guess."


Soon a whole 50 minutes went by and the class was filled with warm conversations and light laughter. Tommy and Dream were doing word association.





Tommy laughed. "That was good!"

Dream smiled. "I think we got the hang of it."

"Ok wonderful people it's time to play spin the bottle!" Bad walked away from a group he was conversing with and walked up to the front of the class. "Make a circle!"

Screeches and clanks came from the desks being pushed. Eventually, a large circle was made and the students sat down. Bad carefully squeezed through the desk barrier and stood in the middle.

He held out a bottle and put it on the floor. "I hope you guys didn't plan who's in front of you."

A few kids giggled and Bad spun the glass bottle. Around and around and around it turned, the light glinting off the bottle's shiny surface. Slowly it churned to a stop, and Bad looked up.

It was pointing towards Dream and a brunette wearing a blue hoodie, along with white-rimmed sunglasses sitting on top of his fluffy hair. Dream looked visibly terrified.

"Okie dokie Dream and George! You two sit together," Bad said.

Dream blushed as he walked over to George.

Bad bent down and spun the bottle again. This process repeated a few times, each reaction getting funnier and funnier. Some couples got paired, both coincidentally and on purpose, and the majority were strangers meeting each other for the first time. Tommy never looked at the person across from him, he didn't want to spoil the surprise. Finally, there were only a few people left.

The dreaded bottle came to a stop again, this time pointing straight to Tommy. He looked up at the person staring at him.

"Tommy and Milo! Great. You two pair up. Tubbo and Jessie since you are the last left, you're paired!" Bad smiled and clapped his hands excitedly. "Well the bell should be ringing any moment-"

The bell echoed through the halls, students already rushing out the door.

"There we are! Have fun everyone! Make friends!"

The students left in their pairs and Tommy walked to Milo. He looked up at him slightly. He had fluffy auburn hair, grey eyes, and freckles all over his face. Milo smiled. "Hi, I'm Milo. Nice to meet you."

Tommy reddened. Why am I blushing?!

"Nice to meet you. I'm...I'm Tommy."

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