Ugh, School

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Tommy grumbled as he stared out into the hallway of immature teenagers bustling about.

"School." He muttered.

"The fucking worst, right?"

Tommy jumped as Milo came up from behind him and wrapped an arm around him.

"Oh! Hi, Milo. Yeah. It's..." Tommy's words trailed off as he saw Tubbo and Ranboo walking down the hallway, holding hands secretly below their hips. "Um...hey Milo?"

"Yeah Toms?" The red-haired boy looked down at Tommy. Tommy smiled slightly. "I uh...I gotta go talk to my friends. But- see you later?"

Milo's happy expression flashed away for a second and he smiled at Tommy again. "Sure. Later!"

He walked away and Tommy took a deep, shaky breath. He proudly walked up to Tubbo and Ranboo and the couple stopped abruptly.

"Tommy! Uh...hi?" Ranboo gave him a cautious smile and Tommy noticed Tubbo glaring at him.

"Hi Ranboo. H-hi, Tubbo." Tommy turned to Tubbo and the awkward silence filled in the air further and further.

Tubbo cleared his throat and stepped forwards. "Tommy, I think we need to talk this out. I know you probably meant well, and maybe I was overreacting just a LITTLE bit-"

The school bell rang.

Ranboo started to walk away when Tubbo reached out and grabbed his hand. "Wait- I..."

A couple of the high school jock boys walked past.

Tubbo glanced at them and smiled at Ranboo. "Uh- see you later Boo."

Ranboo nodded and smiled, letting go of Tubbo's hand and walking away. Tommy turned back to Tubbo and sighed. "Well, I suppose we should walk together since we have 1st period together."

Tubbo nodded slowly walked beside Tommy. Tommy looked down at Tubbo, staring straight ahead and watching passing people. "Tubbo I'm really sorry. I mean it. I was so stupid for being mean to Ranboo like that-"

"You should be saying that to him, not me," Tubbo responded.

Tommy nodded slowly in agreement. "'re right. But I'm also sorry for invading your and Ranboo's privacy. And for being a complete dick in general because I was glued onto Milo."

Tubbo nodded. "I...forgive you."

Tommy felt his heart lighten immensely. He elbowed Tubbo jokingly. "I missed you."

Tubbo flipped him off before entering Bad's class. "I missed doing this."

Tommy laughed and followed after him.


Sapnap stared down at the kid until he broke. "I'm sorry I didn't know- I just picked it up cause I saw it-"

Sapnap shoved the boy away and scowled. "You just 'saw' my 20 dollar bill on the ground and picked it up huh?" He looked at Dream standing behind him. "Punch him."

Dream frantically looked at him and the boy. "W-what?"

"C'mon Dreamy. Punch the kid. Just one little punch. And get me that 20 back."

Dream slowly stepped forwards and stared at the boy, breathing heavy. He stepped forwards and grabbed the boy by his collar aggressively, pulling him close. He leaned in and whispered to his ear. "Pretend you got punched."

He shoved the kid down and swung his arm at him, only grazing his face. The boy fell onto the ground and shouted in "pain". Dream squatted down by him and took the 20 out of his pocket, slipping his own 20 into the boy's pocket and standing up to give the original 20 to Sapnap. "Here's the 20 from the rat."

Sapnap smirked and walked around the boy, still rolling in"pain".

"Let's go Dream. We can buy some drinks now."

Dream followed behind Sapnap and looked back at the kid standing up and mouthing "thank you" to him. He gave him a small smile before catching up to Sapnap.

A/N: AHHHHH sorry for being so inactive lately but lately there's been a lot of things going on in my personal life and it's been super stressful. I am going to discontinue this story due to personal reasons, but I'll explain more in the next chapter. Love you all sm - Dove <3

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