The Ex

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Now that I’m done with exams the updating should be back to normal. Sorry for the long wait and thanks for being so patient. This is a filler, I know it’s not the best and brings up a lot of things but everything will add up in the end. !

Hope you enjoy, please vote.

Excitement filled my body and all the doubt, frustration and anger subsided. Full speed, I ran towards my mother and Nathan with no intentions of stopping. I launched myself at my mother, and when I flew into her arms she only stumbled back a little.

“Nice to see you too,” she laughed as I squeezed her with all my might.

Next was Nathan.

Pulling away from the woman who birthed me, I threw my arms around Nathan. He squeezed me as we rocked back in forth in each other’s arms. “You didn’t think we’d miss your birthday did you?” he asked as I finally pulled away.

Both of them seemed to be glowing. “What are you two doing here?”

They looked at each other like I was crazy. “Why wouldn’t we be here it’s your birthday!” my mom exclaimed clasping her hands over my arms and shaking me.

Smiling, I turned to race to my cabin. Er, when was the last time I cleaned out my crib? “Ah, so what’s the plan? I have to help in the kitchen later today, so…”

“Oh Julie has excused you for today. She thought it would be good for you to have a day with family members,” Nathan told me.

Great, today was just what I needed—family.


“Seriously mom what’s the point of this? You always makes me the same thing on my birthday!” I giggled as the hands clamped over my shoulders pushed me forwards.

My eyes were covered with one of the kitchen rags and I could already smell my favorite soup my mom made every year on my birthday. After Nathan and my mother met up with me at camp, we had taken the long drive home but it was worth it. After seeing my house I felt completely homesick. It was so hard to realize that I just needed my mom and Nathan because of all the stupid boy problems I was having.

Both Nathan and my mother were leading me into the kitchen when I heard a chair squeaking against the wood floor. What? Who else was here? It couldn’t be my father, he was at work. Suddenly, a funny feeling filled my stomach as they led me to the table and sat me down. Nathan tore the rag away from my face and I peered into the familiar eyes of Cole.

My ex.

That Cole…

His big brown eyes stared back at me like a little lost puppy. Blonde ruffled hair stood at the top of his head and from the smile on his face I could tell that he was happy to see me. Taking in a deep breath of air I turned to look at my mother who was practically glowing.

She had always loved Cole. Since the moment we started dating she would tell me how I would never find another guy like him, and that if we ever got married that our children would be beautiful and what not. At first I thought the same thing too, but then everything got confusing. Even when I broke up with him mom got mad at me. She thinks he can’t do anything wrong, like he’s some angel.

“Happy birthday Mia!”

The sound of his silky smooth voice brought me back to the table. I peered down at the big bowl of soup and small birthday bag and then back at Cole. “Hi,” was all I managed to get out.

My mother chuckled behind me and gave me a little push. “Go hug the boy, you haven’t seen him since summer started.”

Sighing, I walked over to his side of the table as he rose from his seat. Wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders, I took him in for a hug. Cole put his arms around my waist and buried his face in my hair. I swear I could almost feel his lips graze my ear.


Quickly, I released my hold on him and backed away towards the chair that was set out for me. The whole time I could feel everyone’s eyes on me like I was some experiment. My mom would definitely pay for this, because this couldn’t have been Nathan’s idea.

“Everyone eat up the soups getting cold,” my mother demanded grabbing a bowl off the counter and setting it in front of Nathan who had just sat down.

Dinner began silently, until the slurping of soup filled the kitchen. After a few more awkward seconds of silence, Cole spoke up. “So Mrs. Fray, I haven’t been by your shop lately how’s everything doing?”

My mother beamed and launched into a new story about her art shop. And this was why parents loved Cole. Even my father. He was always able to grab their attention and have them talk about something they loved. He was never inappropriate—at least around them—and always said the right things. He was the perfect example of a smooth talking fake. Half the stuff he pretended to be interested in he probably hated.

What would my parents think of Landon? He was nothing like Cole. Cole was the star athlete, good grades sort of guy. Landon was something entirely different. No doubt he spoke his mind about anything, even if it might upset someone else. He probably rode a motorcycle and wore a leather jacket in winter time. My parents would definitely not approve of him.

Uh, Mia don’t think about Landon.

Biting my lip, I looked down at my uneaten soup. This whole dinner made me sick to my stomach.

“Right Mia?”

At the mention of my name I looked up Cole. He my mother and Nathan wore exchanging worried glances.

“Uh, I’m sorry what?”

Cole chuckled. “I was saying that I’m surprised you didn’t pick up your mothers beautiful artistic talents. But the way you cook can make any man happy.”

He shot me a little wink when no one else was looking and I tried not to roll my eyes. “Yeah, I can barely draw a flower.”

Nathan and mom started laughing and I looked back down at my soup as if it would tell me what to do. How was I supposed to sit here and act like it wasn’t totally weird that my ex showed up for my birthday dinner? Did he forget what happened last summer and during the school year?

There was a reason we hadn’t talked since the start of this summer.

And it was a good reason.

“Well Mia, why don’t you open up your present from Nathan and Cole? I’ll wait to give you mine until dad gets home,” my mother said.

Giving them all a fake smile I reached for the little box that had a letter taped to the front. I knew it was from Nathan, because he used the same wrapping paper every year. Biting my lip, I tore open the white envelope. After taking out the small blue paper, I read over it carefully. The words
“One Direction” were printed in huge bold letters and I could already tell what it was.

“Oh my God I’ve wanted to see their concert for like a year!” I said jumping up from my seat and lunging at Nathan.

He laughed as I squeezed him as hard as I could. Don’t get me wrong, One Direction was a cheesy boy band but they were five strapping young lads…

And they happened to be my favorite cheesy boy band.

“And I already know what this is,” I sang reaching for the small box and tearing it open.

Every year Nathan got me a charm for my charm bracelet he started back in like fourth grade. A small silver charm of a chef’s hat lay at the bottom of the box.

“I thought it was appropriate for this year,” Nathan explained even though he didn’t have to.

After hugging him once again I say back down with a smile on my face. He was the only one that was able to cheer me up at the right time. My grin faltered as I looked down at the birthday bag from Cole. I peered up at my ex and his expression told me to go.

I hesitantly reached up and grabbed whatever it was in the bag. My heart raced against my chest as I gazed down at a set of plane tickets and a book on Italy. What?

Looking back up at Cole I didn’t know what to say. “Is, is this…what is this?”

He smiled before standing up and sitting down in the chair right next to me. “What do you think it is? Its plane tickets to Italy. And there’s the booklet you mentioned last year. I know you’ve always wanted to go to Europe, and because I know you’re taking a semester off before going to college after summer I thought we could go. Together.”

My mouth dropped open and I didn’t even have the decency to close it. Was Cole really offering me the trip of my dreams? After I broke his heart and vice versa. “I can’t except these,” I finally replied handing the contents in my hands over to him.

He looked down at the papers and shook his head. “You have to Mia. This is the trip you’ve always wanted. Think of all the food there, the stuff you could taste and make. It’s like your dream. We could go to Paris, and then—“

“It’s much too expensive, and I don’t think I could ever repay you.”

Cole laughed like money wasn’t the issue. It wasn’t for him, he had always been well off but I couldn’t afford a trip like this. “Don’t you get it, you don’t have to worry about money. I just want to do this for you. It will make me happy.”

Looking over my shoulder for guidance I found my mother. She was smiling at me and her eyes seemed to beg me to say yes. Didn’t she worry about me being in another country with a guy? One that I used to love. Next, I looked at Nathan. He seemed more stunned than anything so I couldn’t really tell what he wanted me to do.

“Mia, there’s three tickets. You could bring Nathan, or maybe Caitlyn. Anyone, a friend whoever. Just please accept this gift from me. Come with me to Europe?”

Cole had on his puppy dog, irresistible face and I felt the walls I had built up against him start to crack a little. How could I say no, he was practically begging me! My mother would probably not talk to me for weeks, and…

“Okay,” I said, my voice cracking a bit.

Cole smiled before wrapping his arms around me. When he pulled away, I found myself short of breath. “I need a little fresh air,” I told everyone backing away and heading for the back door.
Once outside, I sat on my front steps and inhaled the familiar scent of summer night. My head was buzzing with the idea of going to Europe with Cole and I didn’t even hear Nathan sit down next to me.

He draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me tight to his chest. “Sometimes I feel like I regret ever meeting him.”

Nathan chuckled, and the rhythm of his chest moving up and down tickled the side of my face.

“Cole is something else…”

Memories of last summer rushed through my head and I squeezed my eyes shut as the images of me and Cole making out at the lake dock flashed across my eyes. He and his best friend Kenny had moved from Colorado and played the new students well. Everyone was going after Cole because he was the gorgeous new guy, but somehow I found myself in between the boys in what seemed to be an unbreakable friendship. After a while, my feelings towards Cole grew and one night we just kissed. After that it was like everyone thought we were in love. And I guess we were in love.

So, the three musketeers went on being friends, but Kenny seemed mad at our newfound relationship. I could never tell why, because even when we all hung out he was never the third wheel. One night while we were all hanging out Kenny and I were left alone for only about three minutes when he tried to kiss me. Of course I pushed him off right away, but somehow Cole had seen. He cut off our friendship with Kenny and put me on the shortest possible leash. He became overprotective and demanding. I wasn’t allowed to speak to Kenny at all; I wasn’t allowed to speak to any other boys for that matter. So, our amazing relationship turned into something else entirely and when I finally ended it there was no going back. Cole had taken everything too far.

So, when I found out that Gavin liked me I had some sick feeling like somehow him liking me would end up ruining our friendship. And sure enough, it already had. “I couldn’t say no, he just always makes me so…weak.”

“Don’t worry Mia, you’re strong enough. You’ll fix this, you always do.”

It’s been a while my loves. Hope you enjoyed this filler.

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