Not Okay

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Hey, so I realize this is really short, but I wanted to get at least something up before I go to Newy York, because otherwise you would have been waiting much much longer. So yeah, sorry if this is not my best writing, I had like half this chapter already written but it got deleted…I almost cried. Ah, so yeah.



As Landon disappeared into his room silent tears began to poor down my cheeks. It only took me a few moments to get over myself and stand up. Leaving the blanket on the ground, I found my way into the guest bedroom and flipped on the light. Practically ripping off Landon’s shirt, I put on my own clothes and then made the bed.

In my short, numb movements I thought about being back home with Nathan and lying out under the maple tree and watching as the clouds went by. It was one of our favorite things to do in the summer, and I was in desperate need of him right now. The same things kept flashing across my mind.

How could you be so stupid? How could you think that Landon would change for you?

I mean, it was just downright silly. Every girl wishes to be the one to change the player. To make him actually feel. As cliché as that sounded, it had been what I was thinking for the past couple of days. And then my confidence sky rocketed when he kissed me out there under the stars. It was the most amazing kiss I had ever shared with someone.

But then of course, everything good always comes to an end.                 

But mine took a crash landing before everything ended. He humiliated me, and I made a fool out of myself. I guess I was just good at that kind of thing, messing up and what not.

I suddenly noticed that Landon’s shirt was still clutched in my fist. I left my fingers go soft, and placed the shirt on his bed before folding it neatly. The fabric still felt warm under my skin, but I didn’t enjoy the texture as much as the first time I had touched it. No, now it was just a reminder of Landon, and how he managed to play with my feelings like I was some sort of game.

Sighing, I grabbed my satchel and quietly stepped out into the hallway. Not bothering to shut the door because I knew it would just make more noise, I practically flew from the upstairs hallway and in no time I was reaching for the front door handle. Just as I pulled the door open, a small rustle of movement sounded from behind me.

Spinning around, I saw Luke looking up at me with sleepy eyes. He clutched a small green dinosaur in his hand and I couldn’t help but think how precious he looked at the moment. “Where are you going?” he asked in the most adorable tired voice.

Wiping away a stray tear, I knelt down to his level. “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry. I have to go, but do you want to know something?”

Luke nodded his head and stepped closer. “If you go to back to bed, Landon will make you all the chocolate chip pancakes you can eat in the morning.”

His eyes widened in surprise and he quickly backed away. “I’ll go to bed, I promise,” he whispered before rushing up the stairs and disappearing into his bedroom.

I would have smiled at his overly adorable behavior, but I wasn’t in the greatest of moods. Slowly, I turned back around and headed out the front door. This time I made it out without any interruptions and found my way to the camp car. After starting the car, I headed back towards camp knowing the rest of summer would not be too pleasant.

Landon’s POV

Somehow, in my morning groggy state of mind, I managed to roll out of bed at high speed and race to Mia’s room. I should have gone in there and apologized last night, but I couldn’t bring myself to. After my shower, I had collapsed  onto my bed and knocked out.

I tapped on her door three times before peeking in. Surprisingly, the bed was made and she was gone. I heard a little rustle from downstairs and assumed she was in the kitchen getting something to eat. Sighing, I ran back into my room and brushed my teeth. I couldn’t apologize to her with stinky breath; it would just make her want to leave more.

I didn’t exactly know what I was going to say, but it was easy just to start with “I’m sorry”.

And it was true, I shouldn’t have played with her feelings the way I did. I would just have to tell her that my life was complicated and that even if I wanted her in it, I couldn’t risk getting her tangled into it. After throwing on some clean clothes, I raced downstairs and into the kitchen. Luke was sitting at the table with a plate out as if her were waiting for something. When he saw me, a grin flashed across his face.

“Pancakes!” he shouted jumping up and down.

“Hey have you seen my friend?” I asked ignoring his rather cheery state.

Luke nodded his head. “Last night, when she was leaving she told me if I went back to bed you would make me pancakes in the morning!”

What? Mia left last night? She must have left right after the kiss, it was so late. Running a hand through my hair, I sighed.

Great Landon, you really are good at messing everything good up.

“Well are you gonna make me my chocolate chip pancakes or not?” Luke demanded stomping up and down on the ground.

Nodding my head, I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the pancake mix. How could I ever fix this?

Mia’s POV:

When I arrived at camp, it was still dark and in the early morning. My numb feelings had subsided and a new emotion fluttered, or should I say rampaged around in my stomach. Anger.

Maybe I had been stupid to like him, or to think he liked me back but what he did was cruel. What Cole did was unnecessary, and it drove me to break everything off but he had never been heartless. He had always loved me, and was never afraid to show it.

Landon was a whole different story, at first he hated me, and well I hated him. And then we started to bond more, and then the next minute he was giving me his diary and a birthday present. Next thing you know we’re making out and then he tells me it’s a mistake. What kind of cruel joke is that?

Sighing, I opened the car door and hopped out. Shutting it quietly behind me, I took off towards my cabin. When I finally made it to my bed, I collapsed. Without even changing, sleep overtook me and that night I dreamed of anyone but Landon.


The sun that shown through my window in the morning was like a cruel reminder telling me I still had to face the day. I tried closing my eyes, but after a few moments of just lying in bed and thinking about Landon I decided that making myself busy would be a better distraction.

Hurriedly dressing and brushing my teeth, I was out the door in no time. My phone had said it was already noon, and that meant that the boys were at lunch.

“Oh Mia you’re back.”

Julie’s voice startled me, but my heart managed to calm down. She was standing down the path holding a clip board and whistle. “Yeah, I had a long night and really overslept, I’m sorry.”

Julie rolled her eyes. “No need to be sorry, family business drains the best of people. Owen probably needs some help in the kitchen though.”

Nodding my head, I waved her off and headed towards the cafeteria. The sun beat down on my shoulders in hot waves, and when the air conditioning of the kitchen greeted me I practically moaned. Owen was bust at work cooking away, so I quickly put on my apron and started to help.

“Everything okay?” he asked after a few minutes of quiet working.

Even though it wasn’t true, I nodded my head and kept at work. No, everything was not oaky.

I know this is short, I have a limited time it’s just to hold you over when I’m in New York.!

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