And You Knew?

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Okay, well I can see how much I stirred up with the last chapter. 44 comments? Wow, I’m glad you all like the story, and thanks to all my fans. Since I posted this story my fans have been increasing so fast!

Well, hope you all enjoy this. I know it’s not as juicy as the last chapter.

I watched in horror as Owen held Caroline in his arms happily. Already I could feel the punch to my stomach and the tears building up. How could this be? Had he really moved on that fast? Everything between us seemed so real…

“Well that explains it. I guess the cook has a girlfriend.”

Gavin’s words made me want to run away and cry. But for some reason, I was frozen in my spot. For some reason I was glued to the ground and couldn’t tear my eyes away from the horrid scene in front of me. A tear slid from my eye and I quickly wiped it away in fear of someone seeing. Just as I brought my hand back down Owen turned away from Caroline and his eyes landed on me.

At first he seemed in shock, but after a few seconds his face washed over with the expression of guilt. Just from looking at his gorgeous face you could tell he had done something bad. Feeling like the dumb little girl that I was I quickly turned around and headed down the path.

“Hey Mia wait!” Gavin called after me.

I could hear his feet slap against the dirty ground as he caught up to my fast pace walk. What was I supposed to tell him? That Owen and I were secretly sneaking around and he lied to me about everything?

“What’s your problem? You look like you just saw a ghost.”

I laughed harshly. “I wish.”

“What?” He asked right away as we neared my cabin.

Ignoring his question, I ran up the stairs to my room and slipped inside. Gavin didn’t wait outside the door he just followed me in. Shaking my head I collapsed on the bed and buried my head in my pillow.

Before I even knew it, the tears were coming fast. My whole body seemed to shake as Gavin sat down on the bed and rubbed my back soothingly. I was glad he didn’t ask questions as I cried, but I still felt like an idiot showing all my emotions to him. After about a few minutes of crying I finally rubbed my eyes and sat up in a sitting position.

I could tell from the look in Gavin’s eyes that all he wanted to do was make me feel better. Giving him a weak smile I lied back down on my pillow, bringing my legs up to my chest.

“Sorry about this,” I told him looking down at the blankets in shame.

There was a long silence before he answered. “It’s okay, so what you had a crush on the cook?”

Gavin’s words surprised me, but at the same time made my blood boil. Of course I didn’t have a little crush on Owen I liked him a lot. We practically made out every time we were alone!

“Of course I do not have a crush on the cook. This has nothing to do with him how could you say that?” I asked as calmly as possible even though every word was a lie.

It was true I technically had a crush on the cook and this had everything to do with him, but I couldn’t tell Gavin that, he would never look at me the same way. I had to forget about Owen and pretend like nothing happened between the two of us. That way, he could go on with his girlfriend and I could move on by myself. It would be better that way.

Maybe if Landon knew that Owen and I were through, he wouldn’t be so cold to me. It would be one less thing to worry about in my life. But how could I forget Owen? He was the best thing that happened to me since my ex. It hurt so much to know that he was just as bad.

“Look Mia, I’m sorry I assumed that. It just seemed that way,” Gavin finally replied sounding a little relieved.

I looked up into his gorgeous brown eyes and sighed. “Don’t be sorry, I just don’t really want to talk about it right now. Everything is so confusing.”

Gavin nodded his head and started to stand up. I could tell that he didn’t want to leave, but wanted to respect me. When he was almost to the door I stopped him.

“Look you don’t have to leave. I just need some quiet time, you know, maybe a nap?”

His eyes lit up as he came back by the bed and lied down. Smiling, I curled up next to him and we both relaxed a little. “Thanks Gavin, you really are a great friend.”

His body seemed to tense a little when I said those words, but I didn’t think much of it. Calmed by his presence, I fell into an easy sleep.


When I woke up, Gavin was still neatly tucked in next to me and I smiled at the sight of his sleepy face. Trying my best not to wake him up, I lifted his arm off my side and slipped out of bed. My toes hit the cold wooden floor quietly, and I tried to be as light as possible walking across to my dresser.

Once I had the drawers open I took off my pajama shirt and pulled on a tank top. “Your back dimples are so cute.”

The sound of Gavin’s sleepy voice made me squeal as I straightened out my shirt. “I thought you were asleep,” I stated lamely, turning around to meet his gaze.

My cheeks blazed red as he smirked. “Well you suck at being quiet; you practically stepped on every squeaky floorboard walking over there.”

I rolled my eyes and chucked my pajama shirt over to him. “Oh shut up I wasn’t that loud.”

Although looking at Gavin’s smiling face made me happy, I suddenly remember why I had even went to sleep in the first place. Owen’s gorgeous face crossed my mind as I instantly held back the urge to cry. Wincing I turned around and put on some socks, after I slipped on my running shoes and grabbed my IPod.

“Well, I’m going for a run to clear my head.”

Without another word, I headed for the door. “Wait, here I’ll come with,” Gavin said jumping off the bed and slipping his shoes on.

Sighing, I turned around and frowned. “I think I’ll just go on this one by myself. I have some thinking to do. But don’t wait up, and feel free to go back to sleep, I shouldn’t be gone too long."

Gavin looked a little disappointed, and as much as I wanted to stay and tell him everything, I knew I couldn’t. Sighing I rushed out the door and sprinted towards my normal path wanting to escape from everything. My feet collided with the ground with a thump as I ran through the woods. The peaceful sound of birds chirping and summer wind calmed me down quite a bit, but not enough.

I could feel tears stinging at my eyes as I picked up my pace and ran faster into the forest. Soon enough, I came to a fork in the path and decided to go right instantly, knowing that the left path would take me somewhere too painful. Already I remembered the first night Owen had taken me there. I was a little tipsy, but our first kiss had been great.

Now everything was in ruins.

Worse, everything was gone.

And it was all because I let some twenty year old creep play with my heart.

I mean, classic right? The stupid young girl falls in love with the handsome bachelor or so he says. In the beginning it’s great and then bam, what do you know he was lying the whole time. Nothing is ever as it seems…

I mean, I guess you could have said I had it coming but Owen was just such a good actor. He made me feel like I was the only girl for him, which I now know is definitely not the case. When his gorgeous green eyes stared down at you, and his arms were around you…

Mia get a hold of yourself. It’s just a guy.

Suddenly my thoughts were pushed away when I ran into a rather hard object. In no time I was flying backwards onto the ground. My butt hit first, and pain stabbed at my lower back as I looked up.

Great, Landon.

“Do you ever watch where you’re going. Are you deaf?”

His smug voice filled the air and I frowned as I pulled myself back into a standing position. “You need to watch out and no I’m not deaf.”

“Well I told you to watch out like five feet before you came crashing into me!” He sneered crossing his arms over his chest.

Glaring in his direction I pointed to the ear bud that was dangling from its cord at me side. “It’s called I was listening to music Sherlock.”

There was a long moment of silence before I tried to lighten up the ugly mood. “But sorry I have a lot on my mind, I should have been watching out.”

Landon seemed surprised at my suddenly apology but he shook his head. “There’s probably not much thinking going up there. You’re the one who’s messing around with a twenty three year old who has a girlfriend. Anyone with a right mind would know better.”

My face blazed red and my body boiled with anger as Landon snickered over at me. “You knew he had a girlfriend and didn’t tell me!” I shouted taking a step closer.

He backed away with a funny expression on his face. “Everyone knows Owen has a girlfriend. I thought you-“

“Well I didn’t!”

There was another long silence.

“Well it’s still not right to-“

“I don’t care,” I said cutting him off, “what’s wrong or right. You failed to mention something very important. And maybe even on purpose.”

“I really thought you kn-“

“Stop,” I said cutting him off again. “Just stay away from me Landon. For good”

Drama! AHHHH.
Hey so everyone, who do you want her to be with?

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