The Hot Spot.

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Everyone, this chapter is dedicated to SamanthaJayne_X  for agreeing to be my editor. Thank you to all the people who were willing to help though, it means a lot. :D
Also, the banner to the side was made by emiaaqueenz, it’s really cool. She will be getting the next dedication!

“I suggest you take the cutie on the weekdays and the sexy cook on weekends.”

I turned to face Nathan with a serious expression even though what he had said was funny; I mean Gavin was sweet and always made me smile, but I had never been physical with him. Owen on the other hand was a different story.

“What do you think of Owen, I mean you like him right?” I asked.

Nathan pondered the question for a minute. “Well, I haven’t really had time to sit down and chat with the guy but he seems kind of full of himself.”

“Full of himself?”

“Well, what he said in the kitchen wasn’t fair and like you said the age difference is a little much. Well right now it is anyway because you’re underage until the last week of next month,” Nathan said.

He had a point, and what Owen said in the kitchen was a little unfair. It didn’t seem right when he called Gavin a child. Gavin is one of my close friends and we’re the same age. So basically I’m a child too.

Without saying anything else I looked over at my best friend. “You have a hard decision but I can only see one practical choice and you know what my opinion is so…”

“Mia I let you have your day off now come on and help me with this damn scavenger hunt!”

I groaned at the sound of Landon’s annoying voice. He knocked on the door a couple of times before I reluctantly got off my bed and let him in. “Can’t you just do this thing without me?”

Landon was about to answer when he looked over my shoulder. “Who’s this?” he asked.

“This is Nathan,” I said as the small blonde by me hopped off my bed and extended his hand towards Landon.

He looked at my best friends hand before turning back to me and glaring. “Come on and help, I want to win this damn thing and even though I would rather do it alone your annoying ass will help me win faster!”

Rolling my eyes I put my hands on my hips. “You could try being nice you know. Usually when people are nice they are treated with respect in return.”

“Blah blah blah, the clocks ticking now get some shoes on and follow me out to the ropes course.”
Without another word Landon turned around and headed for the forest path. Sighing I slipped on my flip flops and frowned at Nathan. “Sorry, I have to go help him, I’ll be back soon though!”

“Such a dick for being so sexy,” I heard Nathan mutter as I skipped down the steps and followed Landon out to the ropes course.

I was still giggling to myself about Nathan’s little statement by the time I met Landon in the woods. He was leaning against a tree with the clue in his hands, from the look on his face he was getting nowhere.

“What’s so funny?” He questioned looking up from the little piece of paper.

“Nothing that concerns you,” I said back coldly snatching the clue from his hand and reading it over.

I’m hiding somewhere cold and dark, almost out of reach. You will need to take a leap of faith to locate me. After gravity does its work, you’ll have to hold your breath. For I am somewhere birds don’t fly, but where fish can lay their eggs.

I didn’t really have to think about where it would be; everything was so clear. A leap of faith? Hold your breath? It had to be where Owen had taken me the first night we kissed. The cliff wasn’t very high and underneath the lake invited you to take a dip. I had to be somewhere in the water underneath.

“I think I know where we have to go,” I finally said.

“I thought so,” Landon mumbled under his breath.

Frowning I looked up at him. “What was that?”

“Nothing,” he answered back immediately.

What did he mean by “I thought so”?

Suddenly an ugly thought filled my mind. What if Landon had seen me and Owen, I mean, something dropped into the water as we were kissing, and I could have sworn I saw something move up there.

“Well are you going to show me the way?” He asked suddenly pulling me from my thoughts. Shaking away the funny feeling in my stomach, I nodded my head and led us in the direction I thought it was.


“I thought you knew where the clue was!” Landon huffed.

I looked around the trees in search of a familiar sight and frowned, “I thought I did,” I answered.

It must have been this way, I might have been a little tipsy but I could have sworn this was the right direction. “Well can you bring us there or not?”

Well maybe I can’t but I know who can….

“There it is!” I shouted finally seeing the strange tree stump I remembered from the night Owen had taken me to the cliff, “It means we’re almost there!” I shouted happily.

“So you’ve been here before?” Landon asked with a little sarcasm in his voice.

I turned around to face him. “Ah, yeah sometimes on my run I come this way but from a different direction that’s why it took forever to find.”

My face blazed red just thinking about why I really came here, so I turned around and kept walking. “Was that blush I just saw?” Landon asked as we both pushed through the stray branches of the trees.

Laughing nervously I lied. “Blush? No, I’m just a little hot.”

“You’re not even sweating Mia, come on!”

God why did Landon have to be this way? Sighing I turned around to face him with a smile. Taking a deep breath I pulled my shirt over my head and tucked the light v neck fabric into the loop hole on my jean shorts.

“There happy now?” I asked.

Landon just rolled his eyes and pointed for me to keep walking. In just a swim top and shorts, I turned around and headed in the right direction, or at least what I thought the right direction was. I felt a bit weird with so little clothes on as we neared the stop for the next clue.

Maybe I should start wearing more clothes….

Finally we came to the little clearing and I peered out at the blue dazzling water. It was really pretty here at night but during the day with the sun shining it was gorgeous.

“This is the place!” I called out stepping closer to the edge of the little cliff and peering down at the deep blue water.

Landon didn’t look too surprised and just nodded his head, “so who’s going in?”

“Not me!” I said immediately thinking about how scary it was last time to jump.

There was no way I was going to jump again and definitely not for Landon….

“What are you scared?” he asked raising an eyebrow in my direction.

I thought about the question in my head. Obviously, but for some reason now I was even more scared. I guess when I jumped with Owen he had made me feel better about it. Now I was out here with Landon and didn’t want to jump at all.

“Well yeah and I’m never going to jump so you should,” I finally answered his question.

He laughed “You mean you’ve never been here before? Never jumped? It’s such a rush.”

Nervously playing with my fingers I looked down at my feet. It was like Landon knew something; it was like he wanted to make me feel this way. “No I haven’t and I won’t, now just get this done,” I lied not turning to face him.

He seemed quite upset about my answer before he ripped of his shirt and jumped down into the water. Everything happened so fast, and all I heard was the splash as his body hit the surface of the lake. Although I didn’t really like Landon I was still worried like I had been with Owen. Taking in a deep breath I sat down and let my legs hang off the side.

Soon enough he resurfaced and took in a huge breath of air. Then surprisingly, he swam closer to the edge and went right back under, it felt like ages passed before he came to get air again.  The first ten seconds went by slowly, and then the next twenty even slower by the time I was at a full minute he finally appeared. “I think I got it!” he called up out of breath.

My heart rate started to slow down. “Really that’s good! Hey, since you have to swim back to the beach, do you want me to meet you there?”

Treading water Landon looked up and me with a confused expression plastered across his face. “Swim back to shore? No way I’ll just get out here!”

I thought he was joking at first but as he swam closer to the rocky cliff side my thoughts disappeared. “You can’t climb that! You’ll fall!”

He laughed as he hoisted himself out of the water and clung to the giant rock. “What’s the worst that can happen? Fall back into the water?”

I watched nervously as he scaled the little cliff easily his toned muscles moving every time he pulled himself higher. My heart didn’t calm down until he was pulling himself up and over the last ledge,

“Holy crap, that was amazing!” I gushed before even thinking about my words.

Landon smiled but then quickly went back to frowning at me, “Yeah whatever Mia.”

I rolled my eyes as he pulled his shirt back on and trudged towards the woods. “Hey wait up why are you acting like this?”

He spun around fast and grabbed me by my waist despite my thrashing back and forth and pulled me closer and closer to the edge. “Why don’t you take a dip Mia, it can’t be that scary!” He laughed as my foot slipped off the edge.

Landon easily held me up as I let out a little shriek, “what the hell let me go!”

“Okay,” he smiled loosening his hold around my waist.

I let out another loud scream, “Seriously Landon this isn’t funny!” I shouted.

Reluctantly he backed up and placed my back down onto the solid ground. My hands shook as I tried to regain balance. “What the hell is wrong with you? I told you it scared me! I told you I didn’t want to go in!”

Landon just rolled his eyes, “Yeah, but I bet if Owen were here you’d jump right in!”

After those words left his mouth, I knew I was in deep shit.

Everyone, thanks for all the fast replies to my message. It means a lot knowing a lot of you would help me!


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