An Accidental Kiss

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Anyway, how about a few more votes on this chapter because you all love me right? Haha, it would make my day!!!



Also, from now on I'm going to put up the unedited version and then once I have the edited version I'll change it. So, if you are a right away reader be ready for some mistakes.!



“Hey I’m Stephen,” the boy with light brown hair offered his hand to me.

I placed my hand in his firm grip and felt the warmth of his skin under my own. Instantly the thought of Landon’s hand on my skin made my stomach do back flips. Was he here?

Realizing that Stephen might think I’m a little weird since I hadn’t really replied, I gave him a warm smile. “Nice to meet you I’m Mia.”

He released my hand and I brought my arms down to my side suddenly feeling a little self-conscience. Even though some girls wore bikini tops I was the only one in full swimming wear. My soaked clothes were sitting in the paddle boat drying off.

Gavin led me up to shore with Stephan trailing behind us. A few party people looked our way but everyone else seemed to be having too much fun to even notice. As we approached a group of kids sitting around in a circle I searched for Landon’s familiar face.

Where would he be if he were even here and what would he be doing? No doubt he would be around other girls; that was Landon’s natural habitat. He was just that kind of guy. My stomach turned with jealousy at the thought of some teenage slut hanging on his shoulder. Was that what he thought about me?

“Earth to Mia.”

Gavin’s voice brought me back to reality and I turned to face him and group of about seven people. There were three girls and four guys all holding red solo cups. And by the look of some of them they had definitely drank too much.

“Everyone, this is Mia,” Gavin said once he got my attention. “She’s a camp counselor for the summer.”

Everyone’s eyes bulged when he mentioned I was a counselor. Great going Gavin. “I’m not a nark I swear. Just came to have fun.”

The words slipped from my mouth before I even thought about what I was saying. Did I come just to have fun or did I come in hopes of seeing Landon? He had to be around here somewhere.

One of the boys nodded for me to sit next to him and I lowered myself to the ground. “Damn Gavin getting the older ladies I see,” he said with a chuckle.

“Oh we’re just friends, it’s not like that,” I said in a rush, causing a red tint to appear on Gavin’s cheeks.

Instantly regretting my word choice, I tried my best to recover. “So grab him while you can ladies, he’s a catch.”

I added a little wink at the end and some of the other girls actually looked interested.

“So should we start the game, I won’t bother introducing everyone you’ll never remember anyone’s name,” Gavin said a little more cheerful than I thought he would be after my last comment.

Game? “So, we each get three cups filled with beer.  Then, the game is just truth or dare. You can choose to chicken out of a dare, but if you chicken then you have to drink the whole cup. Basically you only have three chickens and once you use them all you’re in it game for good, no chickens.”

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