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Now Playing: A Muse by dvsn

Tupac Shakur

"Pac I'm not doing that

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"Pac I'm not doing that." You refused once again.

Pac always came up with crazy ideas for your date nights but this one took the cake.

He wanted you to pose naked for him so he could draw you.

Now you trusted Pac but you were worried about the thought of someone else possibly seeing the drawing.

"Cmon baby be spontaneous for once." Pac pleaded. "Nigga you tryna draw me naked."

"The only people that's gonna see it is us and I want you to do the same for me." He explained.

"It'll be something fun and intimate for the both of us." He said in a convincing tone.

Although you were nervous the thought of Pac drawing you naked kinda turned you on.

Pac was an extremely good drawer so you knew if he was gonna draw you it was gonna look amazing.

"Alright." You sighed giving in and dropping your robe. "Now pose real sexy for me."

You walked over to your bed that was covered in rose petals and layed down on your side with your head resting on your right arm and your left hand on your stomach.

Pac had a clear view of your naked front half.

He had his canvas and the rest of his materials set up not too far way from the bed.

And Pac being Pac he had a bottom of Alize to keep him company while he worked.

Once he noticed you were in a comfortable position he sat down and began drawing.

Saving All My Love by Whitney Houston was softly playing on the stereo.

Pac had put in his Slow Jamz cd to create a vibe in the room. You sang along lowly to the music.

Your sweet voice caught his attention.

"You sound beautiful baby." He complemented locking eyes with you.

You grew nervous and your heart began to pound. "Thank you baby." You responded shyly.

"You nervous?" He chuckled reverting his attention back to his canvas.

You hated that he made you feel that way sometimes. "A little." You admitted.

He got up and grabbed the bottle of Alize before making his way toward you.

"Open yo mouth." He demanded. You did as told opening your mouth and closing your eyes.

You felt him grab your face and soon enough you felt the cold liquor pour into your mouth.

For most people liquor would make them rowdy or real emotional.

You on the other hand were always real chill and nasty when you drank.

For now Pac wanted you to be relaxed.

The nasty could wait till later.

"Swallow." He commanded. You swallowed the liquor before licking the acess liquor off your lips.

"Now that should getchu to relax a little."

You instantly felt relaxed and extremely turned on by how he had just handled you.

"Or you could help me feel relaxed." You giggled rubbing your hand down his naked chest.

"Baby." He mumbled. "What?" You asked cluelessly moving your hand down to his black sweatpants that were hanging low.

You slipped your hands in his pants slowly rubbing his dick.

"I gotta finish drawing." He groaned throwing his head back and closing his eyes.

"No you don't." You scoffed switching positions and sitting in front of him on the velvet bench in front of the bed.

Once you were comfortable you slipped him into your mouth using your hand to jerk him off at the same time.

Within a matter of seconds he was releasing into your mouth. You were the only woman that could make him bust that quick.

"Fuck." He huffed as you placed a kiss on his tip.

"Now you can finish drawing." You smirked evilly knowing he was gonna be pissed that you teased him like that.

You knew it would be worth it later though.

After all a muse has to keep their artists mind stimulated right?

This was a super short one but excuse any mistakes. Until next time loves💙.

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