29- Babydaddy

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Now playing: It's All About Me by Mya & Sisquo


"I'm coming

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"I'm coming." You yelled hurrying down the stairs. You had just got out of a relaxing bubble bath and threw on some shorts and a tank top.

This was your daughters weekend with her father so you had been enjoying these past two and a half days of peace and quiet.

Since it was now Sunday Nas was bringing her back to you.

"Wassup Ma." He whispered gently patting a sleeping Destiny's back.

"Hey." You whispered stepping aside so he could step inside.

"Imma go put her down real quick."

He slowly made his way to Destiny's room as you closed and locked the front door.

You walked into the kitchen to pack up some food for him to take back home with him.

"Mm." He grunted placing an unexpected slap on your butt. "Nasir." You fussed swatting his hand away. "I'm sorry baby I couldn't resist." He chuckled hopping on your island counter.

"Anyways did y'all have fun this weekend?" You asked still packing up food for him.

"We did. I took her to the aquarium yesterday and today we was at the park all day so she probably gon need a bath in the morning."

"I fed her right after we left too so babygirl should be knocked out for the rest of the night."

He sounded so happy and you loved that. You always loved how Nas loved Destiny.

That was his babygirl. His pride and joy and he would die before he let something happen to her.

"I'm glad you had fun with your daughter." You said placing his bag of food next to him.

"That's for you to take back home witchu." You explained gesturing your head towards the bag.

"Thank you."

"You welcome."

"I actually got something for you too." He smirked mischievously digging in his pocket.

He pulled out a stack of cash and handed it to you. "Thank you babyzaddy." You giggled taking the money from him.

"You welcome babymoms." He chuckled.

"You need anything from me?" You asked slightly standing between his legs.

"Nope we good."

"Good." There was a silence for a second as you looked over Nas' attire.

He had on a plain white tee, grey sweatpants, white forces, and a simple gold chain.

"I do have a question though." He said snapping you out of your trance.

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