°~•Yet another day

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(I made dat uwu ☝️ its genderbent south park Boys not all of them but ye)

Still y/n's pov

I woke up to my loud alarm. I had that same dream, the beach one. And again I was woken up by my alarm, it always ends so soon, and I always open my eyes to my wall, feeling suddenly cold.

I turned off my alarm rubbing my eyes, and looked at the time, 5:00 am. "wow guess I woke up early." After I was done looking at the time, I stretched a little. Im not a big fan of waking up, but I was never grumpy in the morning. I went to the bathroom, and used the restroom, then I went back into my room closing the door. I stretched and yawned before opening my closet. I took out a white hoodie that had black straps on the sleeves, then I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a black pair of sweatpants, and pulled out and t-shirt that was longer than my torso and had the word "mean" written on it but it was in a different language, only reason I know it says mean is because I looked it up.

After changing I opened my door and noticed the house was very quiet. I walked downstairs and decided to make breakfast for myself but leave some for Amelia for when she comes over again, if she does today. I went to the fridge and pulled out eggs, cheese bacon, and mayonnaise. I placed all that on the table and turned around to pick up the bread on the counter, and then placed it on the table with the rest. I walked towards what me and my family call the "dish closet" but it just had things like pans and pots. I grabbed a skillet and placed it on the stove, then turned on the stove. Once it got a little warm I went back to the fridge and got a stick of butter, after I grabbed it I cut it in half and place one half in the skillet and but the other half by the eggs, once the butter melted, I put two pieces of bread on top of it, letting them toast up. After both sides of the two pieces of bread were done, I put them on a plate. Then I grabbed the bacon and put four pieces of it in there. I've been cooking since I was 9 so I wasn't scared of bacon spitting grease fat at me. Once the bacon was done I went to the eggs next, cracking them open and leaving them to cook in the bacon grease. Then I turned around and put mayonnaise on the bread then put bacon on top of that. After 5 minutes the eggs were done, I placed the sunny side up eggs on top of the bacon, then put cheese on top. Then I looked at what I made, and was a little proud not gonna lie. After eating one of the sandwiches I checked my phone for the time, 7:20. I needed to head out before I was late to the bus. I put the rest of the breakfast sandwiches into a container and left it on the kitchen counter. Once I was done I walked towards the coat hanger getting my coat, but right when I was going to put it on I saw my mom in the corner of my eye.

"Oh. Goodmorning Mama, I gotta head out, but I made some breakfast sandwiches if you want some." I said putting my coat on all the way.

"Mmm okay sweetie, have a good day at school." She said, sounding very tired.

I opened the door and started walking to the bus stop.



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