♡~•(Smut)The party pt 3

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Third person.

"I'm really surprised she wanted to go on her own," Kyle said, staring out the window. He had noticed the curtains were closed. Maybe Kenny finally made a move- or the party was too loud.

"Yeah, it was like God was doing our work for us!" Stan replied.

Both Stan and Kyle decided to go upstairs and away from all the noise. Surprisingly, no one was in Stan's room, and no one was trying to get in.

"You think he's fucking her?" Kyle turned towards Stan.

"Dude she's my friend...I don't think she's the type to do that." Stan said in Y/n's defense.

Kyle felt his stomach twist in a knot. "Calm down dude. I wasn't attacking her." Kyle said laying down on Stan's bed.

"I know, I just don't want to hear about her sex life," Stan mumbled.

"Dude, do you fucking like her too?" Kyle said annoyed.

Stan got upset at this comment. Stan didn't like Y/n, he liked Kyle. Stan had been trying for a couple of years, figuring out if he liked Kyle. He even gave out hints. Once Stan concluded that he had a crush on Kyle, he started making it visible so Kyle could take a hint. However, Kyle never did.

"No, I have eyes for someone else."

"Yeah, that mystery person you won't tell me about.." Kyle mumbled.

Kyle sat up and studied Stan's face. "Explain this to me...I'm your super best friend, right?"

"Uhm.. yeah??"

"But you won't tell me who's your fucking crush."

Stan smirked. "You never asked."

Kyle froze. "YES, I DID!"

"No, you would assume I didn't want to tell you." Stan chuckled.

Kyle was about to protest until Stan spoke again.

"Remember when I first told? I said I liked someone new, and you said "Yay now you can stop thinking about Wendy." You didn't ask who."

Kyle squeezed his hands on Stan's bed sheets and sighed. "I hate you smart ass."

"I love you toooooo!" Stan leaned back in his chair.

It was quiet for a minute. Then Kyle suddenly decided it was too bright, and got up to turn off the lights. Stan watched him as he sat back down on the bed.

"So.." Kyle started to say.

"So?" Stan questioned.

"Who do you like?" Kyle asked.

It was quiet- well as quiet as it could get. There was still so much noise happening downstairs and outside the room.

"Their name rhymes with "mile," Stan said, blushing.

Stan usually wasn't one to play games with someone else but he had a feeling Kyle liked him back. Knowing Kyle he knew this way would make things less awkward.

Kyle blushed, and the room went quiet once again. The silence was killing Stan. So he got up and walked in front of Kyle's legs and spread them open enough to fit himself in. Then he put his knee between Kyle's crotch and his hand on Kyle's face.

"What are you doing?" Kyle whispered.

"I love you, Kyle," Stan whispered in Kyle's ear.


"Can...I kiss you?" Stan asked softly.

"Please...kiss me." Kyle pleaded.

Stan leaned down to Kyle's lips and softly pressed them together. At first, it was friendly and soft until Stan got impatient and leaned in, grabbed the back of Kyle's head, and pressed his lips on Kyle more aggressively. Kyle moaned at the sudden action. Stan licked the bottom of Kyle's lips, asking for permission. Kyle's lips quivered at the touch, but then he opened his mouth, allowing Stan to enter. Stan took the chance to explore every bit he could until he ran out of breath. Kyle and Stan separated to catch some air. Both of them have red faces. Kyle lay down, leaving Stan quite the sight.

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