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I walked inside my house. Still uncomfortable from school and being in Craig's car.

I took off my coat, still feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"God damnit, who the fuck is messaging me." I checked my phone.


MESSAGE FROM STAN: I wanted to tell you my birthday plans.

MESSAGE FROM STAN: You can't tell your mom about them though.

MESSAGE FROM STAN: hey you there?

I looked at my phone, not wanting to answer. My mind got flooded with sadness, I suddenly got reminded about Mr.butch.

I went up stairs in my room, and I noticed Jack's door was open. I walked over there and looked inside, no sign of him. "Mmm I wonder what he's doing." I went into my room and changed into some shorts and a more comfortable t-shirt. Then I went back downstairs and sat on the couch, and unlocked my phone, opening Stan's message.

What should I say....do I actually care?

Hey sorry for not answering, why can't I tell my mother exactly?

STAN: No your good. Uhm so my birthday has a secret party to it and I want to tell you the details, but I know how your mom can get so I want to make sure you don't tell her.

I think I know where this is going.


STAN: Yeah, actually I'm coming over.

Wait what?!

Excuse me?

Not even a minute later I heard a knock on the door. I looked at it for a minute, then I got a message.

STAN: Hey open up its cold out here.

Oh my fucking god, why Stan, why. I got up and slowly opened the door embarrassed. Keep note I haven't shown anyone my actual body I hide it with hoodies and sweat pants.

"Hey....woah." Stan said the minute I opened the door.

"Y/n? Wow you look alot different at school." He continued.

"Uhh...just come inside." I said pulling him in and closing the door behind me.

"Hey hey that was a complement! You look great, beautiful even. its just hard to believe you hid it so well." Stan exclaimed.

I blushed a little, I was in shock. No one ever said that to me...no one but my dad called me beautiful or good looking.


"Not to be weird...I'm not into you, in fact I'm into guys...but im just saying no need to look so ashamed."

"You're gay?" I asked.

"Yeah.....is that a problem?" He replied

"No of course not, I just really didn't expect it...well maybe a little when we were kids but not really." I rambled

Stan chuckled a little.

"The amount of times I denied being gay was crazy....but I came to realize that Kyle.." He stopped for a moment.

"Kyle, is too damn pretty for me not to like him." Stan

"Oh, Kyle huh? Not surprised at all." I replied.

I watched Stan blush a little and rub the back of his neck nervously.

"Well anyway.....why are you here?" I reminded.

"Oh, yeah. So I'm having a normal birthday party, for my family and the adults, which is what you were invited to. But I also have a alcohol party for us, aka my friends and you."

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