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(Pov, you got bored at work and drew y/n crying for the last chapter)

(Pov, you got bored at work and drew y/n crying for the last chapter)

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Kenny's pov:

"I've experienced death countless times. Sometimes, I see a bright light. Sometimes, I see Heaven or Hell. But eventually, no matter what, I wake up in my bed wearing my same old clothes."

I said this once, to hindsight. It was a very serious moment in my life, and I wanted to make sure someone would understand... The only one I knew who did was Cartman. This is why he wasn't scared to kill me because he knew I would just come back the next day. However, Y/n, who was someone who wasn't a part of my life, seemed to remember. I fell in love with her. 1, to see if she really could remember me dying, and 2, because she was the only girl who didn't try to talk to me.

When I pressed the knife into my throat and sliced it, I couldn't take my eyes off Y/n. I watched as she flinched at the noises coming from my soon-to-be-dead body. I felt my eyes tear up. Man, this was more sad than I wanted it to be. Did I ruin her night? I tripped and held myself up with one knee holding onto my bleeding throat. Fuck it hurt, I hated the throat, it hurt like hell and gives me bad neck pain in the morning. I felt a tear roll down my face. "Fuck..." I gasped. I reached my hand out as I fell to the ground and watched my vision slowly go black. Not even a second later I woke. In hell.

I stood up and looked around. I liked hell, it was a lot more fun than heaven and earth. The air was thick in hell and I always woke up by Satan's room...so it smelled like demon sex.

"What the fuck did you do now?"

I heard a voice say. I turned to see Damien.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"How did you die this time?" Damien asked again.

"Oh, I killed myself. Throat slice." I said while doing the slice throat motion.

"Oh, man. How come?" Damien said, closing the door to his bedroom.

I looked at him awkwardly. "Why are you being nice? And why do you look mighty sus over there?" I asked.

"Don't say that you sound fucking retarded." Damien said.

"Bro your gay ass is fucking someone aren't you!" I said, walking over to see who.

"Bro fuck off," Damien said, holding the door knob.

"Nah, you're so fucking gay. Bet it's-"

"KENNY! It's so nice to see you." I heard a deep loud voice say.

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