°~•What a strange world.

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I opened my eyes to my wall. Grey and lonely. I wasn't really sure why, but I felt so alone. Isolated, lacking contact with reality. I was just so lonely. I rolled over facing my ceiling, the bumpy grey ceiling. Why are they made like that? Life is so questionable. Looking at the ceiling won't get me ready for school. But ugh, it's a Monday. I heard knocking coming from my left which made me snap back to reality.

"Come in." I say, dry.

My mom opened the door and peeked into my room. "Goodmorning sweetheart."

"Good Morning? Did I do something." I asked, still keeping my eyes on the ceiling.

She looked at me puzzled, "No? Why would you think that?"

I rolled towards her as my bed creaked with my every move. "You just came in here like I was in trouble." That, and I couldn't help but think I was going to get in bad trouble for drinking.

"I just wanted to know if you were going to school today." She said,

It's like she could read my mind, she knew I didn't want to go. "I don't want to get behind-"

"I know you will make up for your work." She said cutting me off, "Just...do you feel okay...for school?"

I looked at her and grinned, "Yes Mama, I feel okay for school."

She sighed. Like I said, she knew I didn't want to go.

"Well, I need to go to work. I love you very much. Have a good day." She smiled leaving my room.

I smiled back, though she couldn't see it but I knew she could feel it. While I sat up from my bed I caught my reflection in my mirror, I looked like an empty bag. Just sitting there, like a sagging bag. A sigh left my body, I got up and took out a simple shirt and sweatpants. After changing my clothes I decided not to even re-do my hair, it stays messy and down. I left my room and proceeded to go downstairs, forgetting the idiots the night before. I grabbed my coat while leaving the house. I checked if my mom's car was still there but ended up seeing several cars and remembered my brothers were there. "I wonder how long they're staying," I whispered to myself. It felt nice seeing family here, or at least it was a cozy feeling. I continued to walk towards the bus stop until I heard a honk behind me. But when I turned around I didn't see anyone, thought maybe I was going crazy. But I saw someone waving at me from Brayden's car. I sighed and walked over.

"What?" I said,

"Want a ride?" He asked me.

I guess I didn't hear him because I just stared at him blankly,

"Hello? Did you hear me?" Brayden said concerned

"Oh...uhm sure!" I said, about to open the side door.

"Ladies in the front, you don't want to sit with that gobbo." Brayden said.

"HEY! I did nothing to you!" My brother James yelled.

"You woke me up, because your fatass wanted food." Brayden snapped back.

"You're the fat one." James mumbled.

I walked over to the passenger door and got in the car.

"Yay! we can go now." James said excitedly.

"Fat bitch." Brayden coughed.

James frowned, "Tough talk for someone who could easily get choked right now."

"HA! With those sticks for arms! You must be fucking retarded too." Brayden said, pulling out of the driveway and making his way towards the school.

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