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Someone's diary 👀:

Dear, stuipd ass diary.

I couldn't help but think of her. It was so lame. I fucked so many girls, I dated so many girls. Yet I couldn't get her out of my fucking head.
I would touch myself to her face replaying in my head. All of my best orgasims were from just thinking of her, no other girl could even make me bust. How I wish of her laying down on my bed, legs spread, while I was melting just looking at her.
I see her everywhere, and by everyday people were starting to talk to her more and more. And Bebe got involved, stuipd ugly bitch. I made Bebe mad by fucking all her friends, but not her. Ha! She deserves it.
Man I wish I could just hold her....y/n....y/n....its such a pretty name, and matches her beautiful face, and God those gorgeous eyes. And I'm glad I helped her today, and I'm going to hurt that motherfucker.

Goodbye stuipd ass diary

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