°~•The party pt 1

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Y/n pov:

I opened my eyes to a wall, feeling cold after being warm from that same dream. I realized I wasn't in the kitchen. I was in my bedroom.

"How long was I asleep??" I asked myself grabbing my phone.

It was 12:36 in the afternoon on Friday. "Shit!!" I had missed school.

I got out of bed and ran downstairs, where my brother was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV.

"Oh hey, finally woke up huh?" Jack said.

"Why didn't you wake me up for school?!" I exclaimed.

"Yo chill! Mom said to let you sleep, since you looked like you haven't slept in a long time." Jack explained.

I rubbed my eyes. "Oh."

"If you wann go back to sleep you can." Jack suggested.

"No, I kinda just wanna sit with you." I said sitting down next to him.

Jack chuckled. "Wanna lay on my lap?"

"If you promise not to give me a wet willy." I replied.

"I promise, I have cotton mouth right now anyway." Jack laughed.

I layed my head on his lap, and he started stroking my hair. Just like when we were little.

"You got anymore?" I asked referring to the Weed my brother had obviously smoked.

"Y/n! Are you asking for my Mary jane?!! The goody too shoes?!!" Jack said, with a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up Jack! I just feel like it right now." I replied.

"I got some edibles left, would you like those?" He asked.

"Yeah hand them over." I answered.

He gave me three small squares of candy wrapped up tightly. I took the pink one, hoping it was watermelon or strawberry. Then I started using my teeth to open it. Once it opened I put it in my mouth and chewed the weirdly good tasting candy.

"How many things is it?" I asked, putting the rest in my pocket.

"Only 20...or 40...I can't remember." Jack replied.

"I guess I'll find out." I said watching whatever was playing on the TV.

After about 15 minutes later I get a message on my phone. I sat up and looked at it.

Wends._spam: Are you not here today?

Of course Wendy was asking, she really seemed to care about me as a friend. It was weird, but it felt nice.

Y/n_insta: Yeah, sorry. My mom let me sleep in bc I looked "tired".

Wends._spam: you're still going to the party right?

Y/n_insta: Yes Wendy, I am.

Wends._spam:Yay! I was afraid you were changing your mind.

I was kinda forced anyway

Y/n_insta: Nope, my plans are still the same.

"Did mom tell you I was going to Stan's birthday party?" I asked my brother, taking my eyes off my phone.

"Something like that." He replied, wiping his big ass nose.

"Dont tell her but I'm going to a secret one after." I said.

Jack stopped looking dumb, and turned towards me and put on a serious face.

"What?" He said.

"Ugh stop. I've never had friends ask me to a party, and im not going to do anything stupid." I replied.

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