Chapter 2

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I watched as Somme's pups slid out of the nursery. Silver-lineing padded out after Spark. "Mother, why do I have to be out here, I could get hurt." She whisperd quietly. She was so quiet and polite.

I nuged Milky and she looked at me. "Wanna race around the cliff?" I asked. That was our place to play without our parents knowing. She nodded and we got up.

We padded out of the nursery while mother slept. We ran off in the morning light to the small cliff. " Im faster than you Milky!" I joked running in front of her. She just laughed a little. I ran on, feeling the wind in my fur. Suddleny the ground vanished under my paws and I struggled for a grip.

 I dangled there looking up at Milky. "Milky help me!" I screeched. "Why should I? Everyone would be happier if the little runt like you vanished. Mother wouldn't have to worry about you. Father dosen't even care about you!" She snapped. I felt my heart drop, sinking deeper and deeper into my chest. 'Wh-" I tried talking. "No, don't make up some excuse like your special. Because your not. Im only nice to you to get attenion." She spoke moving closer to my dangiling body. She put her paw on my paw. "What would you do if I saved you, say you saved yourself from a dangerous wolf pack? No you can't lie now you little beetle-brain. No more lieing now, your time's up.  Me, Galaxy, and Comet have been planning this since you opened your dumb little eyes! Im tierd of you!" She snapped and let go of my paw.

I felt myself falling, falling through the endless waves of air. I scrambled in the air, anything would help now. I didn't want to die. I had to live! But no one would be able to save me. I felt myself hit something. And it washed over me and darkness swarmed my vision.

Something dragged me out of the water. I heard splahing but didn't dare open my eyes to see what dragged me out. It started talking and I felt land. i started scrambling and opened my eyes.

"He's alive!" I heard someone say. My head snapped around to the wolf beside me.

WOOH! UPDATES! Not nessacary to celebrate but whateva. So who could these wolves be? Why are his siblings so EVIL! Comment below! Also that picture is of Hare!

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