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    THE FILM ENDED. I nervously took a glance at what's his name and well he was looking pleased knowing we would continue the date in a more secluded place. I'm pretty sure the noodles were done with the hacking right now and I should be in the clear. So why was no one saving me at this moment in time?

    I was fidgeting with my fingers while everyone was getting up to leave. Flynn pulled on my arm and smirked, making me frown harder.

    "Let's get out of here, I wanna show you something," still smirking he made me get out of my seat reluctantly following him.

    Oh Great, he was going to show me something like his d*ck!

    From over my shoulder Adonis was no longer there. Confused, I looked around a little more just before we walked out, but unfortunately the boy was no longer in this cinema room. That's very odd-Adonis' job was to look and make sure Flynn didn't try anything too weird.

    But he was no longer here. Weird.

    We walked in the main building before we were near the ticket sales. Again, Elias was no longer here. This made me bite my lip and feel a little more vulnerable than I already was.

    What was going on? Where were they?

    My questions were later answered. Flynn let go of my hands and watched the guys in front of him, who were joined by Daphne annd Jerry.

    "What's going on? I thought you didn't care about her anymore?" Flynn was annoyed, he clenched his hands looking like he wanted to fight Elias the most out of everyone.

    I smirked and walked away from the confused boy, before walking towards my friends and standing beside them. "What's happening is that I'm no longer gonna be following you—"

    "—and I'm gonna beat the shit out of you," Elias growled, cracking his hand.

    Flynn looked so panicked before he pulled his phone out and unlocked the password-he was looking through the nudes on his phone but much to his dismay he wouldn't find them there. My Dutch friend Reeves hacked into his phone and deleted them.

    "Derry you're a fucking bitch and you're gonna regret crossing me!" He yelled his whole face turning red.

    Before anything else was said or done—Elias had shocked everyone by dashing and sending a big blow, one big enough to knock Flynn down.

    Then without further thinking, he sent more blows, more bone-crunching punches which landed dead center in Flynn's face. Elias kept growling and landing punches, something was really different about him. The guy I was talking to earlier had a calm demeanor whereas the guy who we all had been watching now had been a freak.

    "Gosh, there he goes again," Daphne trembled.

    "I think someone should pull him away before the sheriff's son actually dies. Haha," Jerry chuckles nervously.

    "I'll do it," Adonis replies.

    We all watch as he walks up to Elias and calmly hooks each hand of his hands under the boys pits. Elias mumbles like a curse word before letting himself be pulled away.

    Flynn's face was so badly bruised and damaged, he would probably need plastic surgery to look better. But of course he never needed that, he needed a therapist. He was mentally sick.

    "I wanted to hurt him more," Elias said honestly. "I wanted him to feel how much I hate him right now."

    We all nodded at him sadly. He sighed before looking down at his bloody knuckles which were cut from how hard he had been punching the boy.

    I grabbed his hands and examined them. "You need to look after yourself better," I sighed.

    He smiled before pulling me into a hug. I smiled against his hug, embracing the fresh smell of cigarettes and something I couldn't put my finger on, it smelled nice though. It's what made him Elias. I'm very glad to be hugging him instead of Flynn right now. That boy smelled of nothing but sex.

    We were hugging until we felt something hugging us, I opened my eyes until we both looked up and found a very cute, blond boy grinning at the two of us.

    "Group hug! Yaaay!" Brooke chuckled.

    Elias glared before pushing him away, I pulled myself away and watched as Elias face turned a slight emotion for a split second, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

    Everyone had been catching up, but out of everyone the person who suddenly was the most silent was the chanel Goddess Gilda-she had this terror-struck look in her eyes. She seemed afraid of something.

    I couldn't help but notice Brooke worried about it too.

    After our noodle reunion we decided to leave the cinemas, leaving a bloody Flynn on the ground. Elias and Adonis quit their jobs on the spot, the manager had been begging them on our way to the parking lot for them two to continue working for him since they attracted and I quote "a lot of female customers" the two boys shook their heads and continued their way to their respectful cars—ignoring Brooke who had been laughing at their work clothes still.

    I couldn't help but laugh just before Elias stared down at me intensely which ceased my laughter.

    I bit my lip and stared back at him. And God was he handsome.

    Elias sat me in his passenger seat of his car annd decided to drive me home. To my home. The others went back to the residence.


    "I want to give you something," Elias suddenly said as we pulled up my house.

    "Give me what?" I chuckled.

    "A necklace..." he replied, looking down at his hands, he was clearly nervous. "One my grandma owned, I wish to give it to you now."

    "Awwh that's cute," I smiled. "But I can't accept a family heirloom, that would be wrong of me to."

    He narrowed his eyes at mine. "Derry it would be wrong of you not to accept and would be incredibly rude. So please accept it?" His tone had a desperate feel to it, I couldn't help but sigh before nodding my head. He smiled.

    "Thank you. I would put it on you but it's still folded up in the wrapper and its usually better to open it later. I'll let you put it on when you get inside," his eyes looking over my shoulder and at my home. "Is your dad home?"

    His sudden question made me feel a wave of sadness I didn't know I had been keeping locked up.

    He watched my face for a few moments before nodding his head. "He's been gone for a long time now, I thought it was because he'd been working over time and that I'd barely see him...but something is up with him, I just dont know what."

    Elias eyes turned dark moments before turning light and honey like I like seeing. "I see—well I hope he returns already. Are you sure you're ok with staying here alone?" He seemed hesitant about me staying here.

    "I'm sure," I lied, putting on a brave face.

    Elias nodded, I'm sure he didn't seem to buy my act, because that's when he offered.


    "I can stay over if you want?"

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