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      THE PAINTBRUSH MET THE CANVAS, with a beautiful wave of ocean blue, my painting making me smile at my hardworking this lesson

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    THE PAINTBRUSH MET THE CANVAS, with a beautiful wave of ocean blue, my painting making me smile at my hardworking this lesson. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Ravine staring at me peculiarly - I raised my eyebrows at her, seeing her wonder in thought before she averted her eyes away to her own canvas.

    That was odd.

    I've only known Ravine since freshmen year. She was actually my first friend in school, well until the rumors came out. She only decided to be my friend in the first place, because unlike her, her sister was EX- popular, her sister or should I say non-identical twin sister was, Ramona. The girl who was mostly known for being petty and had her own rumors spread around by Suzy. Yes the two were sisters.

    Ravine had left me because she didn't want to be picked on like I was. She settled with some other friends, Ramona and some other guys. Ravine ended up following her abandoned sister in the process of leaving me behind. It was only freshmen year anyways so no hard feelings.

    Good for them. Good for her.

    I watched Ravine nervously paint her canvas, her eyes were hollowed and carved in. She had dark circles like a Racoon under her eyes - it was truly an unpleasant sight. I wandered what caused her to have such unhealthy skin.

    Flynn who had asked Miss Rosalie, the art teacher, to sit next to me during the lesson had scooted his chair closer to me as well as dragging his long wooden easel and canvas work along the way. He huffed out a breath before chuckling at me.

    He seemed so innocent, but he was really evil. I fucking hate him.

    "What does the contract not let me breathe now?" I gesture with my hands at the proximity between us.

    "I wanted to talk with you," he frowned, pointing with his thumb at the girls in the back talking about taboo subjects. "Those girls really bicker me with their girl talk."

    "Whatever," I shrugged.

    He grinned, before pulling a paint tray out with the most darkest shades of red ever. He shot me a toothy grin, before his back arched and he leaned in, with his arms outstretched to meet the canvas, the canvas of which he was—

    He was drawing vaginas!

    "Why the fuck are you drawing that? Miss Rosalie said you have to draw something which makes you happy?" I shrieked, gaining the attention of Ravine, his girlfriend's and the other students.

    He sat up straight, his lips in a tight thin smile. "Well, you just answered the question. It makes me happy."

    "But that's gross! You can't just sexualise girls and then later—"

    "Jerk off to them?" Flynn didn't say this, Ravine did.

    She stood up in front of us, her arms crossed, the paintbrush in her right hand secured. She had her hair in dark brown braids. Her beady brown eyes burning into my soul as she gave me the most scariest, displeased look.

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