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-safe and sound-

over the next week derek unbenounced to taylor watched over her to make sure she was okay as okay as she could be in the company of an awful guy like her father

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over the next week derek unbenounced to taylor watched over her to make sure she was okay as okay as she could be in the company of an awful guy like her father.

he would sit on the small bit of roof below her bedroom window to watch as she slept.he knew she would probably be creeped out if she was to see him sitting there but every time she left his presences he was scared that it could be the last time he saw her. he didn't know her father, he was scared that one night he would return home from what ever pub he was at and decide to kill his only daughter.

so on the wednesday after he did the same, left his house in the woods at six and ran all the way to hers.he knew her father wouldn't be home till eight so he decided to actually go ad knock on the door.

the evening were getting darker as winter neared so the streetlamps illuminated the pathway to her front door.

it took a few seconds for taylor to answer but when she did a smile grew across his face, in his eyes she was perfect even if she herself didn't believe it.

"you alright derek" she asked as she led him down the hallway into the kitchen at the back of the house. he hummed in response taking in the sent of her house. he could tell she had cleaned it throughly as the was her rubber gloves and a sponge left out on the table. derek knew she had been trying to mask up the scent of alcohol that had once been the only scent the house had.

she offered him a battered can of coke witch he took gladly. she was so easy to talk to something he found that he liked about her. she was wearing the same outfit she wore at school that day, a black ACDC tee with a tartan skirt, tights and some black doc martinis. her arms were covered by a back bomer jacket.

she hadn't taken it off as the bruises she had forgotten to cover with foundation were lurking underneath. derek so badly wanted to ask her if she was being beaten he wanted her to tell him too he could do something about it, but she old ask how he knew and would have to tel her about his ability to hear thing he shouldn't. his world the world with werewolves and werecyotes and all other supernatural creatures was one he wanted her to not be apart of so she would be safe.

it was ten to eight when she rushed hi out of the house saying her dad didn't approve of boys in the house the he was protective of his little girl. derek almost scoffed, to him it looked like she was her dads little punchbag rather then girl.

he pecked her lips for goodbye then headed down the path when he was out of sight and she had shut the door he turned back and stelthel clipped up to his spot on her roof.

the room was absent of anybody but he knew as soon as her dad returned she would find her way there.

the sound of staggering footsteps announced the arrival of her dad. he was clearly truck out of his mind. he fell through the front door and vomited on the welcome mat.

taylor quickly grabbed her half unconscious other and dragged him into the house she stripped of his vomit covered clothes and replaced them with the fresh shirt she had just washed.she left him lying on the couch and made the short trip from the sitting room to her her bedroom.

she had no homework so she whipped out her sketch book and continued the drawing the picture she had started back at school in the art room, a picture of derek.

derek from his spot couldn't see the drawing but was content with the fact that she was safe for the moment but as always he spoke to soon.

an hour or so after her father passed out taylor head raised from her sketch pad a look of pure horror on her face, she was up in a flash, he sketch book lay abandoned on the bad and she had just reached her light switch when her father best through the door.

his fists were clenched and his face as hard as stone.she jumped back out of his reach. angrier then ever he stomped forward and grabbed taylor by the throat. his grip was tight and no air was reading her vital organs, she began to struggle, she tried to hit her father to haul him off but it was no use her father was too strong.

derek sprung to action, her window witch she had left ajar was a suitibal entrance. he grabbed her father around the waist and pulled him down. his claws were out in anger and his eyes shoe blue.

taylor dropped to the sound holding her red throat, gasping.derek stood over her father.

"who are you" her father asked with a hatred filled voice.

derek glowered at him but remained quiet. he grabbed taylor by the arm and took her out through the window.

he finally stopped running when he felt he was a safe distance away. his eyes were still their omega blue colour and his claws where still out.

she gasped as she saw his eyes.

at the sight of her startled form he calmed.

"what are you" she asked, horror struck.

derek sighed he could nt hide the truth any longer."listen don't freak out but... I'm a werewolf."

she slowly backed away shaking her head."how"

"i was born now but you can be bitten"he replied.

"listen"he continued hands in his pockets to hide his claws."i didn't want you to know its a dangourus world out their when you know the last human i told was bitten and died."

he quickly regretted his words as her face became even more horror full then it already was.

"but don't worry i'm older and stronger now nothing gonna happen to you" she knew he was trying to reassure her but she didn't fell very reasured.

after a bit of silence where taylor took in the news that had just stung on her she actually began to smile.

derek grimaced he didn't know what a smile at the moment from her meant.

"please tell what the smile means"

her smile widened to a grin his anxiety at her reaction became comedic."I'm not angry if thats what your worried about"

he sighed in relief and hugged her.if felt great to have her safe and in his arms.

"i better go back my dads will do worse then choke me"her voice returned to the horrified squeak.

"don't worry your never going ack there"

her face screwed up in confusion,"then were am i supposed t go"

"my house, moms already cleared a room out for you"

taylor over come with years worth of relief hugged him again as happy tears lead ut of there ears.

"thank you"

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