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-one final night-

the two continued to stay off school, to pas the time they cleaned the house from top to bottom, of course this wasn't voluntary thalia had given them the chore but they were happy to oblige anything to keep their minds off the nearing doom of the...

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the two continued to stay off school, to pas the time they cleaned the house from top to bottom, of course this wasn't voluntary thalia had given them the chore but they were happy to oblige anything to keep their minds off the nearing doom of the family.

the red spray paint that had faded to pink was almost off the house except for a few parts where the family couldn't get. thalia, peter and laura spent the days patrolling the house, they wouldn't let derek or taylor patrol because it was to dangerous, the too didn't argue with thalia they knew she only wanted to keep them safe and if this was how they gave her piece of mind they would do it.

after cleaning the house from top to bottom taylor and derek collapsed on the couch in their sitting room.

"what do you think their gonna do" taylor asked as derek played with her fingers."i don't know but their the argents so it would have to be bad"

they sat in quite for a while, it wasn't awkward it was comfortable, taylor was curled up to dereks shoulder and she was slowly falling asleep, derek placed his head on top and closed his eyes too.

"hey theirs a big game on friday are you coming"he asked suddenly remembering his basketball the table. she looked at him and smiled"i wouldn't miss it for the world"

he leant down and captured his lips in hers, taylor smiled into the kiss and placed her hand on his cheek.

"eww," came a voice from they door way

th two broke apart and saw cora who was rebelling against her mothers protective ness by being out if bed,"can yo to not do that when I'm around" she said as she sat down in the arm chair opposite them.

"you weren't here when we started, she you can't blame us" derek said.

cora sighed and leaned back in the chair, "why won't they tell me whats going on, i deserve to know,"she argued.

"I'm sorry cora i really am but were not allowed to tell you, its for your own good" taylor said giving cora a knowing look, she knew she would hate it every body around her knew something and they didn't want to tell her.

"moms not doing this to annoy she doing this to protect you because she loves you" derek said,

cora huffed and folded her arms like a little toddler."i know its just i want to play my part you know what if the difference between losing and winning is me"

it was a valid concern but she knew tail would rather lose the fight and have all the family then winn the fight and have no one left.

"i wish she'd trust me "

"she does trust you, she just doesn't want her favourite child in the middle of a massive fight" derek said.

"so you admit it then i am moms favourite" she said her eyes showing question.

"yes i think you are but you won't be the she returns and you out of bed" he said a pointed look on his face,

the nine year old rolled her eyes," she's so overprotective"

"i know but would you rather she wasn't would you rather she didn't pay attention at all, like m father"taylor said.

"i guess not"the young girl looked down guilty remembering how much taylor up bring had differed from hers and she was complaining about an over protective mother when taylor had a very abusive dad.

there was small amount of science before cora rose to her feet and returned to her bed dereks threat of her no longer being their moms favourite playing on her mind.

"the poor girl doesn't even know whats going on, i don't envy her"derek said.he interlaced her hand with his.

"well atlas she's safe from the nightmare we all have"taylor said

derek suddenly jumped on her and began to tickle her, she laughed and wriggled under his fingers, the couch bumbed the table be the side of it and the record player that was siting on top of it began to play one of thalia s many records.

the two teens stopped their messing and looked at each other, they then burst out laughing.

derek got up off the couch and reached his hand out to taylor,

"will you dance with me my lady" he said trying not to laugh.

taylor placed her hand in his "yes i shall good sire"

she rose to her feet and derek placed his hand on her waist, the song was relatively slow so the two sow danced to it.

taylor laid her head on dereks chest as they continued to waltz.

thalia and lava were on their way home peter was on night duty so he would be staying out till morning.

they looked in the window of the sitting room and saw derek and taylor waltzing to the music playing through the record player. laura held thalia back for a minute.

"let them dance for just a little longer" she said as she watched them through the window.

"where did derek learn to dance"thalia asked confused on where very masculine son had heard the art of dancing.

the two women looked at each other"peter" they said at the same time and laughed.

the sound of laughing brought the dancing couple back to the present world. the looked to the window and spotted thalia and laura staring in. they two flushed red at being caught in the moment.

"derek" laura said when she opened the door" where did you learn to waltz"

he shrugged " i didn't i just danced"he said innocently.

they all relaxed for the rest of the night not knowing the danger the was coming for them.

how could they when all the threats they received were very vague.

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