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-defence skills 101-

the twins return to school worried thalia so much so that she prevented then going as long as they were still their

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the twins return to school worried thalia so much so that she prevented then going as long as they were still their. the two hadn't argued, they wanted to return but they also knew thalia needed piece of mind.

the whole hale family, excluding cora who due to her mothers orders was still on bed rest, spent most of their time preparing them selves to fight.

thalia had rounded them up and brought them out to a very secluded part of the forest where they were sure they wouldn't be heard.

"right, we'll start of with the basics," she said taking her place infant of the rest,

"the hunters use weapons, they will not want to fight as at that point we will have the advantage so are main prioety is to strip them of their weapons, with out their weapons they won't want to fight us so most will run off"

thalia asked peter to be her guinnea pig, he took a step for ward and stopped infant of his sister.

thalia tossed him a gun and her held it the right form, or the form the hunters would use during a fight.

thalia preferred a circuit of movements and the gun flew out of peters hands. the other mouths dropped open in awe, the argents would be sorry they messed with her

"right derek your turn try and get the gun of me" she said.

derek let go of taylor hand and took peters place. thalia picked up the gun that she had successfully prised out of peters hands.

derek shot for ward and tried to copy his moms movements but stumbled have way through, he had caused thalia to momentarily drop the gun but she caught it again, and held it up to derek.

"you'd be injured and most likely dead" she said. here got to his feet and slouched.

"right laura your turn"

laura replaced derek and tried the same movement s and she too lost her footing and fell she hadn't even came in contact with thalia.

"taylor lets see what you've got"

taylor gulped, and took two strides forward.

she ran forward, leaped and stumbled her landing but her hard landing tripped thalia and challis and to drop the gun in order to catch her fall.

thalia got up and laughed, the rest even taylor herself joined in."not they way i wanted but effective enough" she said through fits of laughter.

after a few minutes of impersonating taylor, thalia called them to silence," right now i am actually going to step by step show you how"

thalia slowly showed them each of the movements she preform ignorer to get the gun out of the hunters.

when broken down it didn't seem the hard, it was when thalia did it in all one go that it looked tricky.

again thalia called on them one by one starting with peter who had done the manover perfectly but had landed wrong on his ankle.it healed quickly like always and when he tried again for the second time it was perfect the gun had flown out of thalias hand and found a spot on the leave to fall.

derek was next and he did it flawlessly first time something she knew he would rub in to peter.

laura had done it in three tries she jumped with joy when she had finally done it.

and finally to was taylor turn, she copied each move and preformed them perfectly,she hit the gun out of thalias hand and to finish off did one thing non of the other did she caught the gun and held it up to thalia.

thalia was amazed that she had picked up the way a werewolf fight so quickly," good catch, well done, i see we have a clear winner"

taylor blushed,she was not used to complements and normally brushed them off.

"thanks but i had your help" taylor said

"right the hunters might have some trains hand to hand fighters so pair off and get fighting i'll observe"

derek instantly turned to to taylor and smirked, " ready to take me on"

she gained," you betcha"

the two preformed different movements and the other blocked them just as good as the perpetrator preformed. taylor because she was know a werewolf derek would go all out and try to defeat her, if she was human he wouldn't try to hit her at all due to the fact that when she was human she didn't have the ability to heal.

taylor want holding back either she was putting everything into her punches. but eventually he bet her, not because he was better but because she had simply ran out of energy, derek had played basketball and had learned who to fight but also to conserve energy until your opponent was simply exhausted.

laura and peter were still fighting when they stopped peter seem to have the upper hand his height being a clear factor, laura had to strain to reach his face in order to punch him, but laura had spotted an opening and swiped at his legs. peter fell and she quickly pinned him down.

"good you all show promise, peter you have to spot the openings you leave and taylor all you have to work on is stamina, but all together a good training session"

out of breath the others agreed, "we'll be back out again some time soon so work on what you need to"

cora was waiting for them at home she was annoyed that she was being left out, but knew that it was for her own good she was only nine, if she were to be involved shed have to fight against men five times older then her.

thrall wasn't happy that taylor and derek had to be involved she thought they were to young aswell but that would only leave three wolves available to fight and three wolves wouldn't cut to if she wanted the family to live.

time was running out and they needed to be prepared.

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