combining witchcraft and science ♡

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requested by @-endless-fandom-89-

this is a difficult thing to do for a lot of witches. and although witches believe in science and witchcraft and science do co-exist, for especially scientific witches, it can be hard to combine the two.

first of all, i think that witches have learned how to use energy in a way that hasn't been thoroughly researched by science, and that it can also have some religious aspects, eg. deities or incorporating Paganism/Wicca, and religions don't need to be scientifically accurate as they often have ideas that are trying to explore things that can't be proven by science in this day and age. that's not to say that witches are conspiracy theorists, though.

but scientifically, energy does exist and it is a key topic in science. herbalism is also scientifically accurate and a lot of the magickal properties of herbs are related to their uses in medicine. for example, smelling lavender can help calm you, and some of its magickal properties are calming, anti-anxiety, and sleep.

another thing you can do to help connect science and witchcraft is incorporate the geological aspects of crystals into your craft, or the botanical aspects of herbs and plants. connecting with nature doesn't always have to be on a spiritual level. it can just be an interest you have in nature. you don't even have to incorporate your interest into witchcraft, it can just help you connect whenever you read into it!

something else that can help is meditation. meditation is something that is scientifically proven to be good for your mental and physical health. it's also great in witchcraft!

have fun out there and be safe! love you

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