yule 21: pomanders ♡

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the word pomander comes from the French phrase "pomme d'abre" which, roughly translated, means apple of Christmas. the pomander is made with cloves and an orange.

pomanders were first popularized in Europe near the middle ages as they were used as protection against infection and disease, which was very common because of the time's lack of medical knowledge. unfortunately, pomanders didn't legitimately cure any sickness, but they've always been a symbol of good luck and health.

although pomanders have been used for ages in different religions, the one we all know today has roots in witchcraft. an orange pierced with cloves tied with a red or gold ribbon was originally a charm made by witches for good luck, protection, and recovery.

pomanders still make great Yule gifts today, or a gift for someone who's sick. pomanders can be kept for months or even years once dry and smell amazing! they can also help to keep away bugs.

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