protection ♡

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magickally/spiritually protecting yourself is one of the most important things to do when doing anything, magickal or not.

protection during spells:

1. plan it out. how could it go wrong, how could you reverse it, what ingredients do you need?
2. protect yourself, by drawing sigils, pentacles, wearing a protective amulet, casting a circle, or wearing black, purple, or red with a clear intention of protection.
4. try completely finish your spell and make it clear that the spell is over when your done unless you absolutely cannot. you can make it clear that it's over by saying 'mote it be' or 'it is done'.

candle safety!

don't leave anything flammable too close to a candle or other open flame.

some witches believe you should snuff candles and not blow them out, because they believe it will blow away intentions, spirits, and is disrespectful to the element of fire. i personally don't believe that.

don't touch the candle fire. it will probably burn you

you need to snuff your candle for more than a split second to put out the flame. im so tired of witches on tiktok putting a lid on a candle for half a second and taking it off and being like "ApOlLo YoU hAvE tO lEaVe I kNoW yOu WaNt To StAy BuT i HaVe To Go DoWnStAiRs!!!11!!1!!1!"

casting and closing a circle

casting a circle is optional during spells, it's your choice whether you want to or not. i personally don't.
this is only one of many methods:

1. get everything you need where you will be casting your circle. usually, witches cast a circle around them and their altar.
2. face east, say "hail to the east, i call the element of air to guide and guard me." and place a representation of air such as a feather or incense burner.
3. face north, say "hail to the north, i call the element of earth to guide and guard me." and place a representation of earth such as salt, a rock, or a plant.
4. face west, say "hail to the west, guardians the element of water to guide and guard me." and place a representation of water such as a cauldron, shell, or water.
5. face south, say "hail to the south, i call the element of fire to guide and guard me." and place a representation of fire such as a candle, charcoal, or matches.
6. physically define the circle with either sea salt, black salt, protection herbs, or eggshells. you don't have to physically define the circle if you don't want to/are low energy.
7. to close the circle, say the same thing except starting from south and ending at east and instead of "I call the element of ..." you will say "i thank the element of ... for guiding and guarding me" and sweep/vacuum the salt/eggshells.

you can also cast a circle by drawing a circle around yourself with your wand or athame.

common herbs for protection:

black salt

protection symbols (research them before using them if you don't know what they mean)

protection sigils
protective runes

protective crystals:

black tourmaline
smokey quartz
clear quartz
tiger's eye

my favourite easy protection spells:

"guardians of the universe, protect me,
this is my will, so mote it be."

"fire, water, spirit, earth, and air,
i am protected from my feet to my hair,
air, water, spirit, earth, and fire protect me,
this is my will, so mote it be."

"dragon guardians of the earth, sky, and sea,
to be protected is my wish, so mote it be."

"shield around my aura to protect me,
this is my will so mote it be."

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