glamour magick ♡

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glamour magick is essentially using your appearance to bring your intention. it's so easy, and you've most likely been doing it without even knowing! if you've ever worn special "lucky" socks or you swear by the "red nail theory", that's glamour magick.

you can use any intention for glamour spells, but glamour magick is best for changing yourself, not your surroundings, since you will be physically changing your appearance to cast the glamour.

how to do a glamour spell:

there are many ways to cast glamour spells, which are sometimes called glamours, but the way i do it is the way i'll show you.

1. cleanse by showering (or another method if you don't have time)
2. decide your intention, and find clothes, makeup, etc. that you will use to cast your glamour
3. put on the clothes/makeup and affirm your intention
4. this is going to take practice, but what you're going to do is you're going to put your hands together in a "praying" position. move them about a forearm's length apart and imagine a ball of the energy you want to give off forming between your palms. then, lift your hands above your head, and throw the ball of energy into your aura.

note that there won't be a physical l/visible ball of energy

glamour magick is really good for witches who practice in secret because nobody is going to think you're doing witchcraft when they see you wearing a necklace and a shirt. to enchant your clothing item for a glamour spell, visualize it filling with white light to cleanse it, and then put it on as you visualize it bringing protection, money, love, happiness, whatever your intention is, to you.

colour magick

the magick of colours is very important in glamour magick and witchcraft in general. colours are known to influence our emotions, so we might as well use that to our advantage! you can use colour magick for almost everything, but for glamours, you can use it with your outfit, nail polish, makeup, anything you can think of, really.

these are the properties of colours but you can of course have your own personal associations as well!

white: purity, truth, healing, innocence
black: protection, banishing, power, releasing negativity, expression, understanding
brown: home, earth, stability
red: passion, love, power, war, strength, luck, protection, potency
orange: joy, success, creativity, legal matters, business, prosperity
yellow: clarity, positivity, happiness
green: money, luck, prosperity, nature
blue: calm, forgiveness, peace
purple: divine/celestial power, protection, manifestation, intuition, fulfillment, knowledge, wisdom
pink: self-love, friendship, happiness


garnet: health, passion, energy flow
rose quartz: beauty, happiness, unconditional love
agate: healing, power, strength
moonstone: harmony, protection
aventurine: luck, optimism, wealth
malachite: love, strength, inspiration
jade: wealth, wisdom, peace
amethyst: intuition, cleansing, peace
clear quartz: energy, clarity, focus


top bun: secrecy, dignity, people looking up to you
ponytail: getting things right, straightening things out, resolution
braid: coming together, decision making, meeting new people, friendship, paths meeting
down: calm, peace


sunglasses: secrecy, invisibility
glasses: seeing the truth, seeing things as they are

here's some resources and spells/activities to try!

glamour magick overview

3 beauty enhancing spells

10 beauty enhancing spells

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