kitchen witchcraft ♡

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this chapter has been highly requested and I thought i'd better make it worth while, so here you go! this is going to be a long chapter, so grab a cup of tea and get cozy. i hope you all enjoy this one!

first of all, what is kitchen witchcraft? well, it's simple. it's witchcraft combined with cooking, a mundane task that's easily made into witchcraft. this means putting intentions into the food you make and using ingredients corresponding to that intention. it is so super versatile and can involve so many different ingredients, which is why it's one of my favourite branches of witchcraft. in this chapter, i'll teach you how to do it, starting from the magickal properties of different foods to techniques to infuse intention into every dish you make!

magickal properties of common foods

radish ♡ protection
turnip ♡ protection
grapefruit ♡ aura cleansing, uplifting
beets ♡ healing, joy, love
fennel ♡ protection, fertility, love, healing
lemons ♡ joy, longevity, positivity
oranges ♡ love, luck, prosperity, wealth
kiwi ♡ love, beauty, attraction
butter ♡ makes change easier, nurturing, soothing, increases tenacity
cheese ♡ good fortune, protection, healing illness
apple ♡ love, luck, prosperity, unlocking hidden knowledge
fig ♡ fertility, love
raspberry ♡ fertility, kindness, love, patience, lust, passion, creativity, period pain
cherries ♡ love
bread ♡ offerings, grounding
salt ♡ cleansing, protection
coffee ♡ grounding, blockage removal, removes nightmares
honeydew melon ♡ fertility, love, longevity, abundance, moon magick
banana ♡ fertility, strength
peach ♡ fertility, love, harmony
pineapple ♡ prosperity, love, friendship
strawberry ♡ love, peace, happiness, luck
honey ♡ beauty, love, happiness
pumpkin ♡ protection, luck
chamomile ♡ cleansing, love, sleep, money
mint ♡ protection, money, healing, love, dreams

the elements in kitchen witchcraft

fire ♡ the warmth of your dish
air ♡ the scent or steam of your dish
earth ♡ the herbs and dry ingredients in your dish
water ♡ the liquids used in creating your dish
spirit ♡ cooking your dish from start to finish

ways to infuse intention into your food

1 ♡ if it's a fruit or something of that sort like a small snack, you can hold it in your hands and imagine white light surrounding it and soaking into it along with your intentions.

2 ♡ if it's a batter, soup, etc. you can stir clockwise to attract your intention or counterclockwise to banish.

3 ♡ focus on your intention as you cook (you should always do this in kitchen magick).

4 ♡ draw sigils in liquids with a spoon or carve sigils into solid foods with a knife (be careful)

5 ♡ use colour magick, for example you can use the correspondences of raspberries as well as the correspondences of the colour red

kitchen magick uses regular kitchen tools that you already have on hand, so you don't need to buy a bunch of extra tools and ingredients for your spells. kitchen witchcraft is excellent for witches on a budget and those in the broom closet! in fact, my first real spell was a ginger prosperity cake.

simple kitchen rituals:

baking chocolate chip cookies into spell for good fortune, love, and joy
making tea into a potion for warmth and comfort
washing dishes to cleanse and protect for future meals and those who eat them
juicing lemons to purify your home
baking using cleansing ingredients and letting the scent while it's in the oven to cleanse your home
vacuum/sweep to physically clean and spiritually cleanse
draw sigils on spoons and on food


thyme focaccia for good health
by witchy-kitchen-craft on tumblr


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